View Full Version : A problem not related to anxiety but is causing more anxiety

02-11-07, 03:46
Ok, here goes........... I have a flea infestation problem:blush: :blush:

God I feel dirty, but I'm not:)

Anyone got any ideas of getting rid of them cause I've run out?

I have tried the powder, the spray, vacuum every day sometimes twice a day, did the cat with stuff you put on back of neck but it didn't work, so she's now wearing a flea collar. Done the salt on the carpets and upholstery. Can't do the 'bombs' and 'foggers' cause I can't leave my home:mad: :mad:
I am bitten from head to toe and it's getting worse. So bad even the cat won't come in any more only for food:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: I'm so embarassed:blush: :blush:

But if I don't get some help soon, I'm gonna go mad with the itching and burn the piggin place down.

Thanks in advance.
Elspeth (The itchy one,lol)

02-11-07, 03:58
Ok this is going to sound CRAZY but here is what I did and IT WORKED...

Table salt for the carpets.
Believe it or not - table salt will kill fleas!!!
Sprinkle it generously on carpets and leave for 3 or 4 hours and then vacuum.

Also the product that I used on my furniture was called Diatomaceous earth, it's a powder composed of the fossilized remains of algae, sounds nasty it's basically a mineral powder. You shouldn't inhale it so I had to do one room at a time and wear a mask to clean it up
The vet recommended it!!
Comes in a bag looks like dirt.
It has chemicals in it that will stain your furniture!!!
I got it at the hardware store.
Health food stores might have it too.
Sorry for the novel but I'm long winded - LOL

02-11-07, 04:03
Wow that was a quick reply sandy:D

I have tried the table salt, many times, didn't work:mad: :mad:

I will get some diatamaceous earth, can I use that on carpets too?

Thanks for your quick reply.


02-11-07, 05:54
Hi Elspeth,

The only thing i've found that works is called Frontline, its a spray you buy from the vets - its expensive but works, the sprays you buy in pet shops etc i found to be useless.


02-11-07, 10:30
Hello Elspeth,

This is going to sound totally whacked.

Place a large pan of water in the middle of floor, do this at nite, place a candle in the center, the fleas are drawn to water and can't swim.You may have to do this a few times, in each room, but it will work. I have done this while I was pregant, and couldn't use the bomds and sprays.Good luck hun, hope you get relief soon.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

02-11-07, 11:44
Hi Elspeth,I have had this problem before and the only thing that worked in my house was the bob martin flea spray for the house. It is about £7 and you can get it supermarkets. We tried other sprays but they didnt work and smelt horrible. Bob martin spray doesnt smell at all. Also, we use the advantage stuff you put on back of cats neck. You can only get that from vets though.Hope you solve your problem. I know it can make anxiety go through the roof!Goodluck,Josephine.x

02-11-07, 12:00
:) Hi Elspeth
have pm'd you with a website address who could help, they are brilliant !!!

GOOD LUCK:yesyes:

02-11-07, 19:37
I have this problem quiet offered as i foster cats and kittens for a local rescue, and have cats of my own. Iuse flea traps which you plugin, they give of a soft warm light which attracts the fleas, as it gets to the same temperature as blood. On the bottem is a stick pad, I use these all the time and have found they work. Can be purchased from local pet shop or ebay for around £10.00

I also use Johnsons 4 fleas Flogger, if really bad.

Please becareful if useing flea collers (or any Collars) on cats, and they go out. Make sure they are quick release snap safely buckles. Frontline back off the neck drops can be purchase on line with out prescription. Works out a lot cheaper.

05-04-08, 12:14

I too am an itchy one. My kittys always seem to get flees. I don't know where they go to get them but it is annoying.

I am using frontline at the mo but within a month they get them again. I also was told by a Vet to use the stuff they sell as shop bought flee preparations are not strong enough. (? Just wanted me to buy expensive but it does only seem to be the ones to work.)

I am the only one in my house who gets bitten apart from the cats. I dont think thats fair when there are 4 of us!!!!!! LOL

Hope you get the prob sorted might try some of the suggestions myself!

Love Hazel xo:hugs: