View Full Version : Water feeling in throat

22-12-20, 14:42
Hi does anyone feel like they have a constant puddle of water sitting at the back of their throat constantly? I have acid reflux and i think it might be from this . My gp isn't interested. Its making me a wreck with anxiety.

22-12-20, 19:07

22-12-20, 20:00
I have post nasal drip so I do get mucus in my throat, I’m not sure about a “water” feeling though.

22-12-20, 20:36
Yup. Though more like an excess of saliva than water ... just about every night ... some nights I even dribble when on my side. Hate it.
There's little one can do really other than rest assured it's very common. At night, especially if alone, the mind takes us on all sorts of roller coaster journeys ... add that to all the media scaremongering on covid, Brexit, Independence battles ( Saltire noted ) ... these are all background stressors and put us into anxious states with very real physical symptons. Take heart from the fact that your doctor isn't concerned and that you have the presence of mind and rationality to post on here. If all else fails just say 'Fook it.' ... 'It is what it is.'

22-12-20, 21:00
Hi thank you for your replies I appreciate it. Glad you noticed my saltire yes I think independence is coming for sure. ..... I have this feeling constantly and I really think its from acid reflux but just not sure. Anxiety is bad from worrying about it . Ears and nose burning to. Its miserable

23-12-20, 12:54
I am currently feeling this, keep needing to clear my throat and freaking out it might be Covid-19 :(

23-12-20, 15:27
I've had it ages I think its reflux. Does yours feel like a puddle of water in throat constantly? But it can't be as I can talk and not choking its the sensation.

24-12-20, 20:21
Really struggling tonight with this reflux. Its been chronic for 7 months. My nose even feels inflamed with it and my mouth is sore . Water feeling at back of throat and burning ears . Feel miserable. What can I do to help this?

24-12-20, 20:33
Are taking anything for reflux? An OTC PPI? An OTC indigestion relief? (Tums, Mylanta etc.). What about your diet? What are you eating?

Positive thoughts

24-12-20, 21:25
Hi I take nexiem I follow the acid watchers diet I am a member of their Facebook group. I use gaviscon advance too. I dont eat dairy sugar gluten no sauces everything very bland . Only drink alkaline water . I follow the rules and still its chronic. I did have hpylori and took the antibiotics for that 7 weeks ago and just retested through stool test and its negative so thats something but still these symptoms keep coming.

24-12-20, 22:29
Ahhhh... that's it then. My wife had H Pylori and it was several months between that and the antibiotics before things settled down. Try throwing a pro-biotic into the mix.

Positive thoughts

24-12-20, 23:13
Hi ive taken a probiotic every day for 5 years still do . Unfortunately hasn't helped. Thats good to know that its maybe taking time for it to heal after the h pylori as this is just chronic.