View Full Version : Weird pain behind one eye

24-12-20, 12:33
Yesterday, after sleeping a little while sitting up (in car on my way to my hometown.. And no I wasn't the driver xP) , I noticed that I had a pain behind my left eye when I was looking around. Left, right up or down it didn't matter. I felt a sharp almost "pulling" pain above and behind my eye.

Didn't think much of it at first but the pain persisted. Small eye movements were fine but every time I turned my eyes "too much" in any direction I got that pulling pain behind/above my eye. When I was just sitting with my eyes still though, like when watching tv, I didn't feel any pain at all and could completely forget about it.

I went to sleep thinking it would be gone in the morning but it's still there and it's making me worried. I made the mistake of googling "pain when looking around" and appearantly it can be a symtom of optical neuritis (?!). However I my vision isn't affected at all and I see just as fine as with my other eye.

I've been thinking about other possibilities but I don't have a cold and it's not really a headache as it's only painful when I move my eye too much. My eye doesn't look puffy or anything and I don't experience any other symptoms.

I work in front of the computer and been thinking about possible eye strain but could it really affect only one eye? Have anyone else out there experienced something like this? It can be kind of painful and I've started turning my whole head instead of just my eyes to prevent most of the pain.

This too shall pass
01-02-21, 14:21
Did you ever get an answer to this?

I've been having the same issue. Not sure if it's just because of my lockdown telly watching/ constantly on a screen.

01-02-21, 23:15
I have had eye strain in only one eye before. Usually lasts a couple days before it gets better

05-02-21, 07:32
Thought I would reply to this thread in case anyone has similar issues to me.

I got really stressed over this weird eye pain and became so afraid it was optical neuritis (and that I would have MS) that I eventually also got a bad headache from all the worrying. My only comfort was that my vision was the same as it had ever been. After about 3 days I noticed that it had gotten a little better and in about a week the pain was completely gone. It hasn't returned since so I guess I can assume it was an eye strain and nothing more.

05-02-21, 08:22
I had this - still do from time to time. I was told they are 'cluster migraines' and mostly affect blokes. :yesyes: