View Full Version : Is your tongue straight and symmetrical?

24-12-20, 18:38
Darn it! The holidays are hard. My health anxiety it nearly at its worst. My therapist says it’s my dysfunctional way of coping with other issues. Really? Life can sure suck sometimes.

So, I went to a party last night and we took some silly faced pictures. I stuck out my tongue in one. I meant to stick it straight out but it looks crooked in the pic. It might be the angle of the camera.

My newest fear is having a stroke. There was a warning going around a few years ago about crooked tongues and strokes. So, naturally, I’m all freaked out about the crooked tongue pic. I’ve also looked at my tongue way too much this morning. It doesn’t look as crooked as in the picture, but my teeth have “drifted” over my sixty years and my mouth isn’t exactly straight. It makes it hard to tell if my tongue is straight. (Drifted is the word my dentist uses.)

Then I totally fell off the wagon and googled. UGH!!!!!!!!! Apparently everyone without a perfectly straight and symmetrical tongue has some disease.

I would love to know there are other people in the world without straight, symmetrical tongues.

If I had a wish to grant, it would be that we all have an anxiety free holiday. 🥳

24-12-20, 18:53
Uhhhh... NO! We are not symmetrical by nature. Hope you feel better soon and enjoy the holiday.

Positive thoughts

24-12-20, 19:53
There are many things on my body that aren’t symmetrical! I think you’re okay. I hope you can try to let this go and enjoy the holidays! Merry Christmas!

24-12-20, 20:59
I've no idea whether my tongue is straight and symmetrical but I do know that resorting to Dr Google is a guaranteed prescription for an HA meltdown on Christmas Eve.

Please don't Google, Debbie..It's absolutely lethal for HA and shows no mercy especially at Christmas. Don't let it leave its legacy on you over the holidays x

25-12-20, 06:17
Take a look at a diagram of the inside of the human body and you will see how unsymmetrical we are, and those are obvious differences. We 'look' more symmetrical on the exterior but look closely and you will see that they are not perfectly symmetrical and that's how we are meant to be.

Stop Googling and try and have yourself a merry(ish) little Christmas. X

25-12-20, 17:53
Thank you for your replies. I’ve stopped looking at my tongue and googling. Merry Holidays to you all. ��

25-12-20, 18:01
Thank you for your replies. I’ve stopped looking at my tongue and googling. Merry Holidays to you all. ��

Well done , Debbie. Best thing you could have done. It's a pointless and soul destroying exercise and goes against all therapeutic advice.

Merry Christmas x