View Full Version : In which Iris was really stupid.

24-12-20, 19:22
I've had things mostly under control for a while, even through horrible things like losing our senior cat and what looked like it was going to be the return of the basal cell carcinoma.

I've had a nice Christmas break and after a bit of grocery shopping today I was really, really jonesing for a nice cup of coffee, which I had and enjoyed. That would probably have been it, if I hadn't forgotten I'd done it and hit the dark chocolate.

Have now been tipped over into the sort of violent panic attack where I feel like I'm about to die; got palpitations, nausea and the shakes. It'll burn itself out in time, but it's a gruesome way to spend Christmas Eve and I'm livid with myself for being such an idiot.

Lots of herbal tea tonight, and possibly another meditation session.

24-12-20, 21:38
I'm very sorry to hear of your panic attack BlueIris :hugs: This just goes to show that we tread a very fine line between 'wellness' and being struck by fear. Do you mean it was the dark chocolate that triggered the panic?

Often for me, anxiety feels so much worse when it hits suddenly after feeling well. If I experience a long running period of anxiety that just bumps along, it loses that element of surprise. And with attaching a 'requirement' to be well because its Christmas, I find I pile only more pressure on myself. I do hope your herbal tea and meditation have helped. Take care.

24-12-20, 21:43
It was the extra caffeine content in the chocolate, yes. Almost entirely better now, though, I burned some incense and had a mug of sage tea and I'm feeling nice and chill again. I recover so much quicker these days, and it's a blessed relief.

Thanks for the response, it really helped.

25-12-20, 05:22
Have now been tipped over into the sort of violent panic attack where I feel like I'm about to die; got palpitations, nausea and the shakes. It'll burn itself out in time, but it's a gruesome way to spend Christmas Eve and I'm livid with myself for being such an idiot.

Except that you understand why this has happened - and that makes a big difference. X

25-12-20, 07:26
True, yes, and that changes it from a source of terror to a dratted nuisance. Will be skipping the coffee today, and sticking to milk chocolate unless Santa brings me something really fancy.

25-12-20, 08:31
The "dratted nuisance" slant is such a helpful one, isn't it? Glad things are more settled now and enjoy your Christmas Day! x

25-12-20, 10:07
BlueIris, you can still have your coffee. Decaf.
Chocolate ok too if you have in smaller doses spread out throughout the day.
Hope you have a lovely day today. x

27-12-20, 09:35
Only just seen this BI, not nice to suffer something like that, especially on xmas eve of all nights. But good you managed to recover quickly!

I never drink caffeine now due to it potentially driving up my anxiety, and also a strong coffee gives me a banging headache. Decaf coffee tastes great these days, despite a few coffee snobs I know telling me otherwise! If you've got an expresso machine or something, decaf Lavazza is really nice. Something else I've tried in the past is Chicory coffee - a bit of an aquired taste though.

27-12-20, 09:48
Just want to add that 'decaf' doesn't mean caffeine free. There is around 7mgs of caffeine in one average cup of decaf coffee. If people are especially sensitive - they should avoid decaf as well.

27-12-20, 10:13
I'm normally fine with decaf coffee, luckily. Much better now, but I did get careless with the chocolate yesterday and landed up with a migraine.

Today I'm going to be dicking about in the kitchen making tasty savoury snacks, I think.

27-12-20, 10:31
I didn't know that about the decaff coffee Nora, thanks for the info.

BlueIris, it's so hard to have just a little chocolate when it tastes so good and makes you feel good for the moment.
I find eat chocolate after a meal, it seems less damaging.
Hope you are having a better day today. x

27-12-20, 10:51
Just want to add that 'decaf' doesn't mean caffeine free. There is around 7mgs of caffeine in one average cup of decaf coffee. If people are especially sensitive - they should avoid decaf as well.

I'll pretend I didn't read that! :yesyes:

29-12-20, 07:41
I didn't know that about the decaff coffee Nora, thanks for the info.

You would have to be very sensitised for it to affect you, but most people do think that decaf means no caffeine and it's not the case.

I can tolerate one cup of the good stuff in the mornings now (helps to wake my colon up) but at my worst, even the decaf sent my heart racing.

There are lots of lovely herbal teas though Carnation. I have quite a collection now. I'm quite the tea snob lol :yesyes:

29-12-20, 08:21
What are some of your favourites? I have a massive thing for Polish sage tea right now.

29-12-20, 08:26
Glad you’re doing ok now BI!

I do drink decaf coffee and herbal teas. Particular fave at the moment is Dorset Tea Cool Chamomile.

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29-12-20, 08:53
What are some of your favourites? I have a massive thing for Polish sage tea right now.

I love the rooibos with chocolate, and also spearmint (which I'm drinking now) - very refreshing this one, and the rooibos tricks my brain into thinking I've scoffed a slab of Dairy Milk. :yesyes:

I also have some hemp tea which tastes like soil but does actually calm me down somewhat. This is in place of chamomile - which I love - but which I am allergic because I get hayfever and I only made the connection after years of drinking this and feeling like I'd been mowing the lawn - even in winter. :ohmy:

I have posh teapots, lovely mugs, and lovely tins to keep my tea in. I make it as special an experience as possible, but I'm still partial to a big mug of Yorkshire tea to wash down my chippy chips! :dribble:

29-12-20, 09:06
Oh, everyone needs a mug of builder's tea every now and again :) Love chamomile, it tastes like dishwater but in a good way. I'm very, very picky about mint tea but Clipper peppermint really hits the spot.

If we're looking at the not-strictly-decaf stuff, York's in Birmingham does a champagne sencha with just a hint of strawberry that's absolute bliss.

29-12-20, 09:14
Oh, everyone needs a mug of builder's tea every now and again :) Love chamomile, it tastes like dishwater but in a good way. I'm very, very picky about mint tea but Clipper peppermint really hits the spot.

If we're looking at the not-strictly-decaf stuff, York's in Birmingham does a champagne sencha with just a hint of strawberry that's absolute bliss.

Sounds lovely! Might look that one up Blue! :yesyes:

My spearmint tea comes from a lovely tea and coffee shop in Hawes. I could literally spend hours in there...

29-12-20, 14:34
I buy loose leaf Mao Feng green tea from the Chiswick Tea Company..Lovely stuff but you have to get the brewing just right and use filtered water..

Apparently caffeine is much better tolerated after breakfast rather than before according to one eminent doc in the anxiety trade. I haven't had coffee for years but still love the smell..

29-12-20, 14:36
Oh, everyone needs a mug of builder's tea every now and again :) Love chamomile, it tastes like dishwater but in a good way. I'm very, very picky about mint tea but Clipper peppermint really hits the spot.

If we're looking at the not-strictly-decaf stuff, York's in Birmingham does a champagne sencha with just a hint of strawberry that's absolute bliss.
I think camomile tastes like soil - but in a very good way. My absolute fav!

30-12-20, 11:11
I can’t eat white or milk chocolate it brings on dreadful migraines but dark chocolate I can eat.I made myself some mini salmon quiche snacks today quite proud of them.
Pleased you are feeling OK :D

30-12-20, 12:39
Something else I've tried in the past is Chicory coffee - a bit of an aquired taste though.

The most famous coffee/chicory combination is "Camp Coffee" of course, whilst my late father used to drink a coffee substitute made from a cereal which was common in his native country in Eastern Europe (I think it was barley).

30-12-20, 20:04
I think camomile tastes like soil - but in a very good way. My absolute fav!


It doesn’t taste great does it, but I love the smell.

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30-12-20, 21:35
I've got a big pint mug that I use to drink Yorkshire tea :) Also some Earl Grey but the flavour is a bit too delicate?

31-12-20, 06:47
I've got a big pint mug that I use to drink Yorkshire tea :)

I drink my YT in my Life on Mars mug. It has Gene Hunt on it therefore it's an 'ard mug which is perfect for Yorkshire tea - which is proper tea - not like some of the other teas where you can throw in 8 bags and it will still look like dishwater!

Also some Earl Grey but the flavour is a bit too delicate?

I LOVE Earl Grey but I had to stop drinking it because of the citrus - kept getting migraines. :weep:

31-12-20, 06:49
Oh, yes, love me a bit of Gene Hunt!

31-12-20, 07:29
Oh, yes, love me a bit of Gene Hunt!

He's a legend.

Did you know they're making series 3 which will flit between decades? There was always going to be 3 series of LOM but John Simm left at the end of two. It's going to be called 'Lazarus' I believe..

What I want to know is what aftershave Derek Litton will be wearing in this one. :yesyes:

31-12-20, 08:16
Oh, wow! No, I didn't realise they were making a third series, that's really exciting!

Re: Earl Grey, luckily I don't have issues with citrus, so I was feeling fancy once and bought a bergamot from Ocado in the hopes of making an Earl Grey cake. Used the zest (admittedly, it was a bloody nice cake) and put it back in the fridge, which promptly made the whole house stink of insecticide. The next morning I sent Mr. Iris out on an emergency beer kit run so he could make us bergamot beer and make it safe to go back in the fridge again ;)

31-12-20, 08:25
Oh, wow! No, I didn't realise they were making a third series, that's really exciting!

IKR? I literally can't wait. I just hope they bring back Phyllis lol - woman after my own heart is Phyllis Dobbs! :yesyes:

bergamot beer

Bergamot beer? Never come across that one!

31-12-20, 08:28
Mr Iris and I are craft beer bores, we buy a lot plus he brews a few batches a year. Beer with bergamot is nowhere near the weirdest we've had - my favourite to buy is any sort of cucumber sour.

31-12-20, 08:40
Mr Iris and I are craft beer bores, we buy a lot plus he brews a few batches a year. Beer with bergamot is nowhere near the weirdest we've had - my favourite to buy is any sort of cucumber sour.

I love beer. Proper beer. Shame I can't tolerate alcohol anymore. :weep:

The former Mr Batty and I used to brew our own beer. We called it 'Doom' because one glass and we were in a coma. :roflmao: