View Full Version : I have high health anxiety and now having bladder issues

25-12-20, 17:14
This story is kinda weird so bare with me. Back in July I noticed I was 90 lbs im a man small always have been skinny all my life. I have a eating disorder where I dont swallow fast and I get overwhelmed. I guess last time I weight myself I was around 95 so in about 5 years I lost 5 lbs from. Just not eating properly. Anyways I started getting panic feeling as if I was sick? I started trying things to gain weight like protein shakes and just trying to eat more which is hard for me. Then in September I was masterbating and after I had a weird pulse headache went to the neurologist she told me to go to the ER I went to the ER they did a ct scan and blood work and it came back mostly normal my white cells were a bit elevated and some of the other white cells were low as if maybe I was fighting an infection. I had a feeling of tingling in my face and tounge for a little bit. She then told me to get an MRI now it took 2 weeks to get this MRI and in between this I was so high on anxiety I kept googling everything thinking what is going on with me do I have this do I have lymphoma or a brain tumor. Before all of this I did have anxiety but it never got to this level. This level is unreal. I was basically getting all these symptoms and still kinda do. MRI came back good. I was relieved but one thing I kept focusing on was my urine and bladder symptoms. I kept having tense up pressure down there stop and go and more symptoms. I went to a urologist he checks prostate and urine test I have microscopic blood in the urine. Now im going down another road of googling. He checks my bladder with a scope it was kinda ok nothing life threatening he saw alittle of bit of curve at the bladder neck which could have been there during birth. Basically I do have a dysfunction and when I have anxiety it makes it worse. They did an ultrasound and check for cancer and im ok there. Now I still have bladder issues and now focusing on bowl movement and I cant stop. Oh and I forgot to mention one of the symptoms I have now since I got the mri is night sweats and sweating during the day I can't stop it. Also when I had got the mri I had bad chest pains went to the er and they said im ok. Blood work was kinda getting back to normal white blood cells were slightly lower but seemingly to get back to normal.

26-12-20, 07:11
Blood work was kinda getting back to normal white blood cells were slightly lower but seemingly to get back to normal.

So, aside congenital bladder thing - your imaging has been clear and your white cells are getting back to normal? What's the problem? :shrug: