View Full Version : Worried about Mum.

26-12-20, 00:53
Hi everyone,

I hope you are keeping well in these times. For once in my life, I have no concerns about my own health. But I'm very worried about my mum.

She has had a persistent cough since March of this year, it started off as a dry cough. It turned into a productive, mucus heavy cough. It happens quite frequently, enough for me to notice.

She has been a smoker for over 30 years, so I'm obviously concerned about lung cancer. I've brought this up numerous times over the last 8 months and she dismisses it: she sees lung cancer as something that would cause more symptoms such as breathlessness, weight loss etc. I've told her that this doesn't always happen. I've read stories of people only having a cough and being diagnosed with terminal cancer after leaving it so long.

I'm just looking for advice, am I being crazy? Would lung cancer only cause a cough after 8 months of symptoms? Like surely by now, there would be more distressing symptoms such as blood, weight loss and general illness. She is 56 years old, has cut down on the cigs a lot in the recent years. She usually is quite vigilant and seeks medical help if she feels unwell. Shes told me if she felt poorly she would see a doctor. I believe her.

But I keep thinking, what if this year it changes? Why can't she be like me, running straight to doctors and getting a scan? I know it sounds silly. But I love her with all of my heart. I've spoken to her numerous times.

I'm hoping it's just a smokers cough, but my hypochondria is like nooo this must be slow growing cancer.

Sorry for the long post, a jumble of thoughts here. Anyone who has experience of lung cancer or suspected and its turned out to be something less terrifying, let me know. Gladly appreciated.

26-12-20, 02:44
Being a smoker would concern me too, she really should get it checked out. When is her yearly exam? Must be soon if she's been coughing for 8 months.

It's kind of hard to say, oh it's nothing.

My dad died of lung cancer, he was coughing up blood. He lived 8 months after diagnosis.

My coworker had a cold turned into pneumonia (so they thought), further testing showed the tumor in her lung.
She quit smoking, had 6 months of chemo, then radiation. The tumor is now scar tissue and she's cancer free but they keep a real close watch on her.

My mom (nonsmoker) had a horrendous cough and it turned out to be her blood pressure medicine side-effect.

26-12-20, 03:13
My mom is a non smoker, but also developed a cough around February/March. She still has it. I finally talked her into getting checked out and getting an X-ray. They did that and then sent her for a CT. Now we’re waiting on a referral to a pulmonary specialist to see where we go from here. They don’t think it’s cancer, but they do think she has a lung disease of some sort. It’s all very scary and I’m super worried about it. I don’t say this to scare you, but in my moms case, the earlier this particular disease is discovered, the better the treatment options are.

it’s very possible your mom just has a benign cough. But any cough that has lingered this long is worth checking out in case it’s something that requires treatment.

26-12-20, 08:51
I would say to her that although you know that she would see a doctor if she felt unwell, in this case you feel that she should get her persistent cough checked out just to put your own mind at rest? She does owe it to you to get this checked out because it's not an irrational worry and you are only being a concerned daughter.

My sister now 70, has been a lifetime heavy smoker and has a smoker's cough but nothing more.

Please let us know how things are and I really hope she listens to you and makes a GP appointment.

26-12-20, 11:11
My mom is a non smoker, but also developed a cough around February/March. She still has it. I finally talked her into getting checked out and getting an X-ray. They did that and then sent her for a CT. Now we’re waiting on a referral to a pulmonary specialist to see where we go from here. They don’t think it’s cancer, but they do think she has a lung disease of some sort. It’s all very scary and I’m super worried about it. I don’t say this to scare you, but in my moms case, the earlier this particular disease is discovered, the better the treatment options are.

it’s very possible your mom just has a benign cough. But any cough that has lingered this long is worth checking out in case it’s something that requires treatment.
Thank you for your reply. Is this suspected COPD by any chance? I do feel like with my Mum this is quite likely now given the length and type of cough she has. I hope your Mom gets the treatment she needs ASAP, and you were able to catch this early.

26-12-20, 11:13
Being a smoker would concern me too, she really should get it checked out. When is her yearly exam? Must be soon if she's been coughing for 8 months.

It's kind of hard to say, oh it's nothing.

My dad died of lung cancer, he was coughing up blood. He lived 8 months after diagnosis.

My coworker had a cold turned into pneumonia (so they thought), further testing showed the tumor in her lung.
She quit smoking, had 6 months of chemo, then radiation. The tumor is now scar tissue and she's cancer free but they keep a real close watch on her.

My mom (nonsmoker) had a horrendous cough and it turned out to be her blood pressure medicine side-effect.

I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad. That's such a terrifying symptom, I hope he didn't suffer in the end. You are totally right, it's hard to say whether it's benign, lung cancer, COPD or something else. Unfortunately she still will not see a doctor and I've had to accept that even though I may tell her every day to go, ultimately it's her choice.

26-12-20, 11:16
I would say to her that although you know that she would see a doctor if she felt unwell, in this case you feel that she should get her persistent cough checked out just to put your own mind at rest? She does owe it to you to get this checked out because it's not an irrational worry and you are only being a concerned daughter.

My sister now 70, has been a lifetime heavy smoker and has a smoker's cough but nothing more.

Please let us know how things are and I really hope she listens to you and makes a GP appointment.

Thank you for your reply. She understands why I'm worried but won't go unless she feels more unwell. I've had to accept the fact that even though I will still continue to push her to go, it's up to her if she wants to get treatment. I'm glad your sister is okay, by smokers cough is it a dry cough or a wet cough?