View Full Version : Rough time ☹️

26-12-20, 10:11
Hi folks. Struggling at the moment. My family had covid last month. My husband was really ill at home then spent 10 days in hospital with it. I was scared beyond belief. He came home and was still quite unwell. I stressed about him for about a month. Now he’s on the up, I feel awful.

I had bad health anxiety years ago and now it’s retuned with a vengeance. I had back and chest pain last week, saw the GP and he said I was fine, just muscular. The pain left then I started to get pain in my shoulder blade. It was really bad. Again the GP spoke to me by phone and said no cardiac signs. I was convinced I was having a cardiac event. I have pain in the other side of my neck which I’m sure is a tumour. This is so unlike me these days.

I’m scared to move in case I get another pain and start worrying about that. I have no motivation to do anything or go anywhere. I feel really weepy and I’m convinced something awful is going to happen to me. I need to get back to being me again and I don’t know how.

Sorry this is so long. Just having a really bad time of things right now x

26-12-20, 14:00
You've been through a lot of trauma with your husband's illness, Julie. HA will creep in when you're exhausted and at your most vulnerable to suggestible symptoms. You're also very low and anxious.

Mental pain and distress translates very easily into physical pain as you know. Your GP has assessed you as being physically in the clear but mentally you are still on high alert and expecting more bad news and a sinister diagnosis.

We tend to cope whilst giving support and holding it all together..When things begin to improve often our mental health takes a nosedive and we go down as our loved one recovers. Do you think this could be happening with you? Do you fear that it's "your turn" now for bad health? x

27-12-20, 07:27
I had bad health anxiety years ago and now it’s retuned with a vengeance. I had back and chest pain last week, saw the GP and he said I was fine, just muscular. The pain left then I started to get pain in my shoulder blade. It was really bad. Again the GP spoke to me by phone and said no cardiac signs. I was convinced I was having a cardiac event. I have pain in the other side of my neck which I’m sure is a tumour. This is so unlike me these days.

Hi Julie, it's really common for anxiety to kick in as HA when somebody close us is ill or dies - as was the case with my mother. She died suddenly and the HA which had been dormant for several years came back with a vengeance. Heart symptoms are one of the most common anxiety symptoms. My first symptom was severe chest pain which I had to have an ECG for. I'm not sure how you are associating a pain in your neck with a tumour, but it's most likely to be tension related. Do you tense your jaw? Because that affects the neck muscles too.

You've been through something very stressful and the stress hormones will have been flowing during that time. It will take your body some time to settle down - and that's providing you don't add fear to these normal anxiety symptoms. If you do fear them, then this ride will be a lot longer and will possibly take you to places you don't want to go - believe me.

Practice self-care and relaxation. Hubs is back and I take it that he's on the mend? Time to look after yourself now. X

27-12-20, 08:22
I'm sure you've forgotten what self care is when you've been under such strain, Julie but you must take your foot off the pedal now and acknowledge that your HA flare up is understandable under the circumstances but just a sign that you are mentally exhausted and your body is reacting with physical symptoms of anxiety.

Kalie galea
27-12-20, 08:36
I'm suffering too with really bad anxiety and panic attacks been a sufferer for 20 odd years medication used to control it now they stopped working so been put in venlafaxine been 16 days took 36.5mg for 5 days 75mg for 7 days then upped again to 112.5mg 4 days I'm still waking up thinking I can't breathe my hearts going to stop beating like something is seriously wrong with me it all came in really bad 3 weeks ago when tested positive for covid 19 and since then I literally thought I'm going to die and been like that for the past 21 days I've had 5 ambulance call outs a visit to er had bloods ecg xray done all was perfect yet I'm still thinking I'm going to stop breathing and going to die all symptoms of covid went about a week ago I took another test a week ago hoping if it said negative my mind go back to knowing I'm ok and it's not going to get me but it came back positive again and that started me off again just want to feel me again scared I'm going to be like this forever makes me feel so ill

27-12-20, 08:47
medication used to control it now they stopped working

Medication deals with physical symptoms, not the cause of the anxiety. What therapy have you had. if any?

I've had 5 ambulance call outs a visit to er had bloods ecg xray done all was perfect yet I'm still thinking I'm going to stop breathing and going to die all symptoms of covid went about a week ago I took another test a week ago hoping if it said negative my mind go back to knowing I'm ok and it's not going to get me but it came back positive again and that started me off again just want to feel me again scared I'm going to be like this forever makes me feel so ill

What's happening is that your body is hypersensitive and these NORMAL anxiety symptoms feel very unpleasant and overwhelming to you. I know exactly how you feel because I've been there. However, in this climate with an NHS which is on it's knees as it is - patience will wear thin if you keep calling out ambulances for panic attacks. I did two visits - one by ambulance and the other was a walk in. On the second one, I was seen by the psychiatrist after being given the all clear by the docs (again)

You're not going to stop breathing. You're not going to die. It just 'feels' that way, and that's not how dying works.

What's actually happening is that your body is doing exactly what it's meant to. This is the stress response, and it's meant to keep you alive.

I had a breakdown with my HA, and, like you, I couldn't see a day where I wouldn't feel like I was dying, but I got myself out of that hole by understanding anxiety and accepting that life sometimes deals us shit cards, and by working my arse off to get better. Plus, I did it without meds because I have chemical sensitivity! So, if I can do it - anybody can. X

27-12-20, 09:12
You've been through a lot of trauma with your husband's illness, Julie. HA will creep in when you're exhausted and at your most vulnerable to suggestible symptoms. You're also very low and anxious.

Mental pain and distress translates very easily into physical pain as you know. Your GP has assessed you as being physically in the clear but mentally you are still on high alert and expecting more bad news and a sinister diagnosis.

We tend to cope whilst giving support and holding it all together..When things begin to improve often our mental health takes a nosedive and we go down as our loved one recovers. Do you think this could be happening with you? Do you fear that it's "your turn" now for bad health? x

Thanks pulisa

What you say makes total sense. It’s the kind of thing I would say to someone who feels the way I do! How ironic I can’t talk to myself this way at the minute. I’ve been so well with my HA for so long and I just feel I’m back to square 1 ☹️ When I feel like this I struggle to believe the docs even though I know I should. It’s so hard x

27-12-20, 09:21
Hi Julie, it's really common for anxiety to kick in as HA when somebody close us is ill or dies - as was the case with my mother. She died suddenly and the HA which had been dormant for several years came back with a vengeance. Heart symptoms are one of the most common anxiety symptoms. My first symptom was severe chest pain which I had to have an ECG for. I'm not sure how you are associating a pain in your neck with a tumour, but it's most likely to be tension related. Do you tense your jaw? Because that affects the neck muscles too.

You've been through something very stressful and the stress hormones will have been flowing during that time. It will take your body some time to settle down - and that's providing you don't add fear to these normal anxiety symptoms. If you do fear them, then this ride will be a lot longer and will possibly take you to places you don't want to go - believe me.

Practice self-care and relaxation. Hubs is back and I take it that he's on the mend? Time to look after yourself now. X

Thanks Nora. I’m sorry about your mother and your bad time afterwards x. My neck problem is an issue as I’ve never had this kind of feeling before. It’s not muscular and it’s been there for over a month. I am trying my best to stay positive and not get back on that horrible road. Yes hubby on the mend thank you and thank god 🤞 x

27-12-20, 09:27
Hi kalie It’s awful that you feel this way. Please know that you can still test positive up to 90 days after being confirmed positive. We need to believe what the experts tell us. Hard I know x

27-12-20, 09:30
I'm sure you've forgotten what self care is when you've been under such strain, Julie but you must take your foot off the pedal now and acknowledge that your HA flare up is understandable under the circumstances but just a sign that you are mentally exhausted and your body is reacting with physical symptoms of anxiety.

Thank you pulisa. I know you are right x

27-12-20, 09:31
My neck problem is an issue as I’ve never had this kind of feeling before.

Honestly Julie, if I had a pound for every time I've said this over the last 9 years I would be floating about on a lilo somewhere warm sipping some unpronounceable cocktail.

It’s not muscular and it’s been there for over a month.

You can't be sure it's 100% not muscular, and I've had unexplained pains for months at a time. No cancer. (so far, anyway)

I am trying my best to stay positive and not get back on that horrible road.

Its not easy. It is hard work, but you can do it because you're awesome. We're all awesome on here. :shades: X

27-12-20, 09:56
Honestly Julie, if I had a pound for every time I've said this over the last 9 years I would be floating about on a lilo somewhere warm sipping some unpronounceable cocktail.

You can't be sure it's 100% not muscular, and I've had unexplained pains for months at a time. No cancer. (so far, anyway)

Its not easy. It is hard work, but you can do it because you're awesome. We're all awesome on here. :shades: X

Haha. This did make me laugh. And again you’re right especially about ‘but it’s different this time’ 😊 x

Kalie galea
27-12-20, 10:55
Medication deals with physical symptoms, not the cause of the anxiety. What therapy have you had. if any?

What's happening is that your body is hypersensitive and these NORMAL anxiety symptoms feel very unpleasant and overwhelming to you. I know exactly how you feel because I've been there. However, in this climate with an NHS which is on it's knees as it is - patience will wear thin if you keep calling out ambulances for panic attacks. I did two visits - one by ambulance and the other was a walk in. On the second one, I was seen by the psychiatrist after being given the all clear by the docs (again)

You're not going to stop breathing. You're not going to die. It just 'feels' that way, and that's not how dying works.

What's actually happening is that your body is doing exactly what it's meant to. This is the stress response, and it's meant to keep you alive.

I had a breakdown with my HA, and, like you, I couldn't see a day where I wouldn't feel like I was dying, but I got myself out of that hole by understanding anxiety and accepting that life sometimes deals us shit cards, and by working my arse off to get better. Plus, I did it without meds because I have chemical sensitivity! So, if I can do it - anybody can. X
Thank you for your reply I've not had any recent therapy I've tried CBT many years ago and I didn't find it was doing anything it's like I've completely lost control of the attacks and anxiety I never used to ring ambulances it since tested positive that things have got so much worse for be I literally feel physically ill everyday I've got a headache worrying something is seriously wrong with me I end up awake at 3 every morning and unable to get back to sleep same thing happened again this morning I woke up straight away thinking I'm unable to breathe and that I'm just going to die i talk to my partner and my mum and dad but I feel like they get enough of me coz I constantly repeat the same things I can't breathe I'm dying my mum suffered from them too but here is managed by meds Im just so worried this is me forever now that I'm never going to feel normal I get light headed jelly legs fuzzy head just feeling like I'm not here when I am just wish it would go away 16 days on the venlafaxine and don't see them working feel so lost

Kalie galea
27-12-20, 11:03
Hi kalie It’s awful that you feel this way. Please know that you can still test positive up to 90 days after being confirmed positive. We need to believe what the experts tell us. Hard I know x
Thank you that keeps me some reassurance I used to panic and have anxiety but not feel the part thinking I'm going to stop breathing I don't know if it's all the bad stuff we read about covid or the fact 7 months ago my neighbor went to hospital unable to breathe and ended up in a coma and it's triggered me of when I got the positive thinking the same will happen to me even tho my symptoms are gone I'm still scared they come back and this will be what happenes silly I know I just don't seem myself since that result and I don't even get any bad symptoms I thought getting the all clear at hospital would put my mind at ease it did for a good 5 hours then went back to how it was just want to feel me again

27-12-20, 14:26
Thank you that keeps me some reassurance I used to panic and have anxiety but not feel the part thinking I'm going to stop breathing I don't know if it's all the bad stuff we read about covid or the fact 7 months ago my neighbor went to hospital unable to breathe and ended up in a coma and it's triggered me of when I got the positive thinking the same will happen to me even tho my symptoms are gone I'm still scared they come back and this will be what happenes silly I know I just don't seem myself since that result and I don't even get any bad symptoms I thought getting the all clear at hospital would put my mind at ease it did for a good 5 hours then went back to how it was just want to feel me again

That’s the nature of the beast isn’t it. Reassurance never lasts and is easily triggered by hearing of other people being unwell. It’s hypervigilance. Focussing on one issue and being aware of every slight change. We need to learn to believe the experts. Hope you feel better soon x

Kalie galea
27-12-20, 15:18
Yea I know every time I end up in a panic state I always say it feels different this time but my mum and dad say I always say that everytime I get like this I've not felt this bad before but then again I didn't have to deal with anxiety panic attacks and covid it was just my anxiety and attacks hoping for better days for us both x

29-12-20, 08:09
I can't breathe I'm dying

I know. I understand. I've been there. It's a very real and physical sensation. Yet, my oxygen levels were always between 98 and 100%. How can that be possible when I felt like couldn't breathe? :shrug:

However, once I learned about the stress response and the effects of stress hormones on the body - it all made sense to me. Proper lightbulb moment.

Causes for this 'scary' symptom are as follows..

The Stress Response - simplified: fight or flight - chest, diaphragm and abdomen muscles tighten which restrict breathing.

Breath Holding - I do this a lot and most of time subconsciously. I don't know I'm doing it until I become aware of the tightness in my chest, but I don't add fear to this symptom because I understand it.

Hyperstimulation - chest tightness can be a constant symptom when we are constantly in stress response - meaning that our bodies are always in semi-fight or flight mode.

Anxiety of feeling short of breath - the thought of being breathless triggers the stress response which makes us feel breathless.

My golden rule for this symptom is to breathe properly, and from the diaphragm. This turns OFF the fight or flight. It's a physical thing - just like turning off a light. The opposite to this is to breathe rapidly and shallowly which will turn ON the stress response - because that's what our bodies naturally do when we are in ACTUAL DANGER. Our brains do not know the difference between actual danger and what is imagined - it will respond the same way.

I hope this helps you lovely. X

Kalie galea
29-12-20, 10:54
JulieG and noraB thank you so much for your replies julieG it is definitely a beast I decided yesterday I wasn't going to take a dizapam as I have been taking a 2mg of a night time for 5 nights I decided to take a promethazine as apprantly it's more herbal and cannot harm you I woke up at 8 thinking I can't breathe again and I'm going to end up in hospital I don't understand why I keep thinking this it's like my heart was beating fast but I didn't get the tingling feeling the ringing ears the dizziness it's like I didn't go into a full blown panic attack it's been 18 days on venlafaxine now 6 days on the increase dose so 112.5mg in total and Nora YES exactly that I feel like i can't breathe yet my sats are 99 percent and I think how is that even possible you talk so much sense Nora I wish I was as strong as you to be able to do it without medication every time I get the feeling I always say it feels different this time and it feels so real just don't know why I seem to wake up in the mornings like this I don't want to be like this forever and I'm hoping these tablets are going to start to kick in just makes you feel so ill and like something is seriously wrong but I've had ecg xray and bloods done a week and a bit ago and all was perfect I don't know if I'm still thinking about the positive covid result I mean it's been 23 days since I tested positive done another test 8 days ago and still came back positive don't my know if I'm scared that it's still in my body attacking me thank you so much for getting back to me again

Kalie galea
29-12-20, 13:32
I'm really struggling today 😪just broke down and cried I'm sick and tidy of thinking I have something seriously wrong with me that I'm going to die I'm going to just stop breathing or my hearts going to stop beating that I'm not going to see my husband kids mum dad nomore and I really don't know why I'm thinking feeling this still Im thinking surely this can't just be my anxiety or panic attacks that something must be wrong can I seriously feel this 24/7 think I have one step forward a thousand steps back is my tablets not working am I really ill I look around see ppl so happy and I feel so sad and lost that I feel this way I have a good day followed by a bad day hate feeling like this is this me now am I going to be like this forever for 23 day since that positive result everything's gone down hill I've lost all control of how to control my anxiety thinking can covid still make me worse 24 days after with symptoms all gone I know I sound so silly and I need to help myself I'm just lost

29-12-20, 13:48
Hi folks. Struggling at the moment. My family had covid last month. My husband was really ill at home then spent 10 days in hospital with it. I was scared beyond belief. He came home and was still quite unwell. I stressed about him for about a month. Now he’s on the up, I feel awful.

I had bad health anxiety years ago and now it’s retuned with a vengeance. I had back and chest pain last week, saw the GP and he said I was fine, just muscular. The pain left then I started to get pain in my shoulder blade. It was really bad. Again the GP spoke to me by phone and said no cardiac signs. I was convinced I was having a cardiac event. I have pain in the other side of my neck which I’m sure is a tumour. This is so unlike me these days.

I’m scared to move in case I get another pain and start worrying about that. I have no motivation to do anything or go anywhere. I feel really weepy and I’m convinced something awful is going to happen to me. I need to get back to being me again and I don’t know how.

Sorry this is so long. Just having a really bad time of things right now x

Hugs:bighug1:...Please relax and meditate. It will help somehow. You have been through a lot and that really triggered your HA. Calm yourself and relax. Our friends here already said things that are really helpful. And you can confide things to a professional to better assist you.

29-12-20, 15:09
Thank you meltedchick. Yes a lot of people speak a lot of sense on here. ❤️