View Full Version : Post Christmas Exhaustion

27-12-20, 13:49
Anyone else feel totally ruined after Christmas?

I think it's days of putting on a brave face and forcing myself into a variety of situations, but I tried to chilled evening last night, and have just crashed!

Kalie galea
27-12-20, 14:03
I'm struggling massively at the moment with my anxiety and panic attacks started new meds 16 days ago hoping to get some sort of relieve soon I hope you are well

27-12-20, 14:59
What meds did you start?
I've been given Escitalopram, but haven't started them yet. I have been running every day, hoping to get a boost that way.

Christmas went a tiny bit better than I expected, as I have been in a right mess lately, but it's confusing me that I'm so much worse now it's over.
Hoping it's just a bit of a come down from pushing myself so hard the last few days.

Kalie galea
27-12-20, 15:13
I started venlafaxine I was on 37.5mg for 5 days 75mg for 7 days now taking 112.5mg 4 days so 16 days in total I woke up really anxious Christmas Day had to just get on with it didn't want to ruin it for my kids it's been the worse I've been constantly thinking I'm just going to stop breathing or I'm dying have a feeling I'm not here when I know I am it all got worse 3 weeks ago when tested positive for covid I literally broke down was saying I'm going to die and that's how I've felt since had numerous ambulance call outs and 1 er visit had ecg bloods and xray done all came back perfect yet I'm still panicking why I don't know I only had mild symptoms and they went like 12 days ago I thought retesting and getting a negative result will put my mind a ease but it just came back positive again so that set me off again thinking it's still in my body attacking me you are stronger then I am I wouldn't be able to cope without meds just hoping these ones will kick in soon

27-12-20, 15:28
How old are you if you don't mind me asking?

I'm not stronger, I've been in a right mess, and I'm as surprised as anyone I've made it through.

Running has been my release.

27-12-20, 23:11
Yep I am exhausted , yesterday felt lethargic legs ached, today a little better but not right .
My anxiety symptoms are high lately .I think all the covid restrictions get me anxious and panicky .

27-12-20, 23:14
That's exactly how I started this morning.

I was just genuinely exhausted, aching and tense, I think it's just hard work for us. Hoping it just gradually eases.

Kalie galea
28-12-20, 05:59
Good morning phr I am 30 years old

28-12-20, 06:20
Anyone else feel totally ruined after Christmas?

This pretty much sums up my life since I was born. I have post-birth exhaustion. :yesyes:

28-12-20, 09:28
Good morning phr I am 30 years old
At 30, you really don't have to worry about Covid, especially now you've had it! You are in the prime position, as you've already had the worst Covid can give you. I'm 34, and honestly couldn't care less if I catch it or not, I would actually like to of had it, and got it out of the way.

Kalie galea
28-12-20, 09:45
Wish I thought like you that was the trigger that caused my anxiety and panic attacks to come back worse then ever now I'm over it the anxiety and attacks are still there and I don't know if it's a mix of having covid my tablets stopped working and then going on to another tablet just hoping my tablets will start to kick in soon I mean they must be doing something coz I don't go into a full blown attack that I would normally do but the thoughts of something wrong with me is still there still here hoping for better days I hope you are ok?

28-12-20, 10:02
This pretty much sums up my life since I was born. I have post-birth exhaustion. :yesyes:
Haha, that sounds about right!!

28-12-20, 10:17
Wish I thought like you that was the trigger that caused my anxiety and panic attacks to come back worse then ever now I'm over it the anxiety and attacks are still there and I don't know if it's a mix of having covid my tablets stopped working and then going on to another tablet just hoping my tablets will start to kick in soon I mean they must be doing something coz I don't go into a full blown attack that I would normally do but the thoughts of something wrong with me is still there still here hoping for better days I hope you are ok?
It's a normal thing to worry about, and the media have whipped it up into a frenzy! I saw a stat the other day, that since all this began, only 300 people below the age of 60 have died from Covid with no underlying health conditions. It's really not dangerous to people around our age at all.

Kalie galea
28-12-20, 11:44
Yea I don't think the media think about with how they only mention all the bad stuff what it does to people with mental health you hardly ever hear good stuff

28-12-20, 11:48
I think they were trying to frighten everyone into sticking to the rules and taking it seriously. The chances of you, at 30, having any serious implications of Covid, are slim to none. It's really not even worth worrying about. It's basically like having a cold to us.

Kalie galea
28-12-20, 11:54
That's exactly what it felt like I wish I never took the test now because I wouldn't of known any different I had a sore throat and stuffy nose and when I got the positive I then developed the loss of smell and taste and had a tiny cough not continuous it went after 10-12 days but now where it's triggered my anxiety and panic attacks I'm stuck having to deal with them been on my new med 17 days it's already been increased twice so hoping it's going to kick in soon hate not feeling myself the depersonalisation and thing something bad is going to happen is horrid

28-12-20, 12:07
I can sympathise with that. I honestly can't remember the last time I felt relaxed and 'normal', I'm either dealing with panic and intrusive thoughts, pushing boundaries, or derealisation, but I'm just trying to trust that if I keep doing the right things, it will pass.

You seem to of got your head around the Covid stuff now, so if you give it time, it will pass for you too.

Kalie galea
28-12-20, 13:14
Yea hopefully that's exactly how I feel can't remember the last time I felt relaxed hopefully these tablets will kick in real soon and I get a bit of me back thank you so much for your replies really appreciate it

28-12-20, 14:10
I only noticed I've been OK for a few minutes after I've been OK, and then start panicking. Haha!

Glad to help, anytime.