View Full Version : Am I causing my symptoms?

27-12-20, 15:18
Lately I’ve been under a lot of stress, in between the pandemic, planning a wedding and recently buying a house. In October I had to visit the emergency room for dizziness and headaches. I had blood work and head CT all came back clear. A few weeks later o started crying a lot, I had to take medical leave from work and I begin getting tingling/numbness in my hands and feet. This lead me to google who told me I could have MS or neuropathy. This sent me in a down spiral. I cry all the time and now I’m getting these muscle twitches. In my upper biceps, legs, face, back, and even my rib cage. Has anyone suffered from health anxiety that caused this symptoms? Thanks in advance.

27-12-20, 15:25
Has anyone suffered from health anxiety that caused this symptoms? Thanks in advance.

The forum has tens of thousands of pages and threads that talk about the things you've posted and they're all related to the body's reaction to stress and anxiety.

Positive thoughts

27-12-20, 15:30
How do I cope and move on?

27-12-20, 15:42
How do I cope and move on?

Added: I just wanted to say that what you describe is nearly identical to most of the members here. There's a catalyst (life stressors/experience), worry over it, physical symptoms associated with the stress and anxiety and of course Dr. Google and here you are. The symptoms (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) link on the resources page describes just a sampling of what anxiety can do. Again, take a look at some of the long running threads by what I call serial posters, some of which that have been here for many years and are still trapped in the cycle of HA. There's a wealth of information there from members and they're a good example of the HA pattern of behavior (Googling, obsessive self checking, reassurance seeking etc.) and what NOT to do to address the issue.

There are resources (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles) here on the site and a link to a free CBT course in my signature and of course, real life professional help as well. As with many of the replies to this often asked question and advice other sufferers have offered on those tens of thousands of threads, they are just words on a screen. It takes the inner fortitude to take action on them.

Positive thoughts

27-12-20, 19:03
Hey Anxiety218, if it helps, your experience describes my own experience pretty much exactly. For me, this particular bout of health anxiety lasted for some 9 months, and it was the most anxious I have ever felt in my life...all because I decided one evening to google my 'symptoms'. The anxiety totally swallowed me up. I couldn't focus on work, studies...the depression set in. It was why (several years ago) I joined NMP actually, because this site was full of posts from people struggling with similar problems. Fishmanpa's comments and threads have helped me a great deal in the past and the advice provided is spot on.

I know how painful this is, and we're here for you, but don't google symptoms...resist all temptation to do so, as it will feed the anxiety; only seek medical advice from your health care provider. I know for a fact that my muscle twitches were made 100x worse because of the anxiety I had over them. During the most anxious times, I'd twitch virtually non-stop, sometimes all over my body, sometimes one particular muscle; I still get them from time to time now, particularly when I'm run down. I also experienced a whole range of other neurological symptoms.

I responded because I know how health anxiety can create a living hell for those who suffer from it. If you can, try to alleviate some of the stress in your life and follow the link provided by Fishmanpa. It sounds like you have a lot going on in your life right now. I really hope you're able to start feeling better soon and I hope this response helps in some small way. Stay strong :)

27-12-20, 20:32
Hey Anxiety218, if it helps, your experience describes my own experience pretty much exactly. For me, this particular bout of health anxiety lasted for some 9 months, and it was the most anxious I have ever felt in my life...all because I decided one evening to google my 'symptoms'. The anxiety totally swallowed me up. I couldn't focus on work, studies...the depression set in. It was why (several years ago) I joined NMP actually, because this site was full of posts from people struggling with similar problems. Fishmanpa's comments and threads have helped me a great deal in the past and the advice provided is spot on.

I know how painful this is, and we're here for you, but don't google symptoms...resist all temptation to do so, as it will feed the anxiety; only seek medical advice from your health care provider. I know for a fact that my muscle twitches were made 100x worse because of the anxiety I had over them. During the most anxious times, I'd twitch virtually non-stop, sometimes all over my body, sometimes one particular muscle; I still get them from time to time now, particularly when I'm run down. I also experienced a whole range of other neurological symptoms.

I responded because I know how health anxiety can create a living hell for those who suffer from it. If you can, try to alleviate some of the stress in your life and follow the link provided by Fishmanpa. It sounds like you have a lot going on in your life right now. I really hope you're able to start feeling better soon and I hope this response helps in some small way. Stay strong :)

Thank you so much for the reply. It is so hard to believe that this is just anxiety. My healthcare provider isn’t very supportive anymore as I’ve been dealing with this bout of anxiety since October. It started with MS, now ALS. She doesn’t even see me have the time I call anymore she tells me it’s just my anxiety and if I get worse go to emergency room. Which does not calm me down. Hopefully it all ends soon, thank you for the support.

27-12-20, 22:42
Hey, no worries. I know, I felt the same...how could these symptoms be possibly caused by anxiety?! My doc had a similar attitude, which can make it more difficult to deal with at the time, but it’s also worth trying to accept that your doc is attributing your symptoms to anxiety. My fear went from MS to ALS too. You’ll get through this, but it can take time. Keep posting and keep us updated on how you’re getting on 🙂

28-12-20, 17:31
Hey, no worries. I know, I felt the same...how could these symptoms be possibly caused by anxiety?! My doc had a similar attitude, which can make it more difficult to deal with at the time, but it’s also worth trying to accept that your doc is attributing your symptoms to anxiety. My fear went from MS to ALS too. You’ll get through this, but it can take time. Keep posting and keep us updated on how you’re getting on 🙂

It’s been rough. I moved my check up with my behavior specialist who treats my anxiety to Thursday. I also made an appointment to see a actual doctor instead of my normal Nurse practitioner I’ve been seeing. Hoping that he can calm my mind and possible do more then my nurse practitioner was able to. I’m still trying my best to go to work and try not to worry so much. I work as a CNA and I work 12 hour shifts. Still twitching as I’m on my lunch break but not to noticeable when I’m on the floor. Hope the dr Wednesday will help me.

30-12-20, 19:27
I went to a new doctor today. He checked my reflexes and listened to me carefully. He told me I had no weakness or signs indicating ALS. He is sending me for a EMG and nerve conduction to rule it out completely. Has anyone had this done?

30-12-20, 19:50
Hey Anxiety218, I hope you're feeling OK? Do you feel less anxious now the doc has examined you? My twitching and other symptoms were never investigated although perhaps other NMP members can chime in :)

30-12-20, 19:58
Yes I have definitely experienced tingling as a result of anxiety, and yes I have absolutely gone down the MS/ALS rabbit hole and given myself panic attacks over it. This year I started experiencing tingling in my face which of course freaked me out. I was also experiencing some extreme anxiety and stress during that time. I still sometimes worry about it when it crops up again but since it comes and goes pretty infrequently I have just settled on anxiety.

That's good you found a new doctor and you are getting tests to rule things out :)

30-12-20, 21:11
Yes I have definitely experienced tingling as a result of anxiety, and yes I have absolutely gone down the MS/ALS rabbit hole and given myself panic attacks over it. This year I started experiencing tingling in my face which of course freaked me out. I was also experiencing some extreme anxiety and stress during that time. I still sometimes worry about it when it crops up again but since it comes and goes pretty infrequently I have just settled on anxiety.

That's good you found a new doctor and you are getting tests to rule things out :)

Have you ever had the muscle twitches? Thank you for thereply

30-12-20, 21:15
Hey Anxiety218, I hope you're feeling OK? Do you feel less anxious now the doc has examined you? My twitching and other symptoms were never investigated although perhaps other NMP members can chime in :)

I do. I’m still a little nervous about the EMG and nerve conduction test but I’m trying to look at it as a positive thing. Did you have the muscle twitches go away?

30-12-20, 21:41
Hey, for me, I still get them from time to time....i.e. probably on an hourly basis, maybe less, although I don't really notice them these days because I stopped caring about them. When I'm anxious, stressed or tired, they occur much more frequently. Many months of my life were ruined by ALS anxiety, and during that period, the twitches were pretty much continuous...all day, every day. The anxious mind can give rise to almost any 'symptom' it seems. The anxiety was definitely causing them/making them worse. They are nothing to worry about and having spoken to several people about them, perfectly normal. I think everybody experiences them from time to time, but if you're anxious about them, they'll occur so much more frequently :)

30-12-20, 22:10
Muscle twitching can occur for a number of reasons - when I'm stressed certain face muscles will twitch sometimes, usually my eye, which is annoying. Also, when I have panic attacks I definitely get twitchy muscles - in addition to feeling shaky or trembling. And I agree with James, when you focus on them or feel anxious about them, they might start to occur more frequently or feel worse.

30-12-20, 22:14
Muscle twitching can occur for a number of reasons - when I'm stressed certain face muscles will twitch sometimes, usually my eye, which is annoying. Also, when I have panic attacks I definitely get twitchy muscles - in addition to feeling shaky or trembling. And I agree with James, when you focus on them or feel anxious about them, they might start to occur more frequently or feel worse.

Thank you so much. I definitely notice them more when I’m sitting. I work as a CNA working 12 hour shifts and I maybe notice one or two a day while working. But when I’m at home it’s bad. I wake up in the morning with stiff muscles.

30-12-20, 22:17
Hey, for me, I still get them from time to time....i.e. probably on an hourly basis, maybe less, although I don't really notice them these days because I stopped caring about them. When I'm anxious, stressed or tired, they occur much more frequently. Many months of my life were ruined by ALS anxiety, and during that period, the twitches were pretty much continuous...all day, every day. The anxious mind can give rise to almost any 'symptom' it seems. The anxiety was definitely causing them/making them worse. They are nothing to worry about and having spoken to several people about them, perfectly normal. I think everybody experiences them from time to time, but if you're anxious about them, they'll occur so much more frequently :)

I agree when I’m anxious about then they happen more frequently. My family has. History of fibromyalgia and this too could be my issue.

30-12-20, 23:04
Had similar symptoms a few months ago. Went for nerve conduction study and all was fine, the neurologist saw me briefly afterwards and said he wasn’t concerned at all, that made me feel very reassured. I also had MRI but this too was fine. Pretty much within couple of days of getting the all clear I stopped getting the tingling and twitches or at least I stopped noticing them anyway. In typical health anxiety fashion I then moved onto a new completely different worry or two!

30-12-20, 23:07
Had similar symptoms a few months ago. Went for nerve conduction study and all was fine, the neurologist saw me briefly afterwards and said he wasn’t concerned at all, that made me feel very reassured. I also had MRI but this too was fine. Pretty much within couple of days of getting the all clear I stopped getting the tingling and twitches or at least I stopped noticing them anyway. In typical health anxiety fashion I then moved onto a new completely different worry or two!

This calms me down. It’s so crazy how anxiety can make us feel. I hope your new worries disappear soon!

01-01-21, 00:41
I seen the behavior specialist that treats my health anxiety today and she reassured me I do not have ALS. Which is comforting, she has prescribed me cymbalta 20mg once a day. Has anyone tried this? I’m nervous to take another medication as Prozac was awful.