View Full Version : Brain Tumour

27-12-20, 20:07
Worried sick about having a Brain Tumour. Have had a dull head ache now for 6 weeks which I cannot shift. No other symptoms other than a stiff neck and pain down my right arm. Symptoms point to lots of nasty things on Dr Google - not had any other neurological symptoms and had a clear eye test last week. Worried that my arm pain is the weakness ‘symptom’ and I’m terrified of finding out something is seriously wrong with me.

28-12-20, 00:08
Sounds like you are carrying a lot if tension in your neck and shoulders. Try to relax and see if your symptoms improve. I know someone who had a brain tumor and her symptoms were much more severe. Positive thoughts, you can get through this.

28-12-20, 00:09
doesnt sound like a brain tumour to me

28-12-20, 06:09
Worried sick about having a Brain Tumour. Have had a dull head ache now for 6 weeks which I cannot shift. No other symptoms other than a stiff neck and pain down my right arm. Symptoms point to lots of nasty things on Dr Google - not had any other neurological symptoms and had a clear eye test last week. Worried that my arm pain is the weakness ‘symptom’ and I’m terrified of finding out something is seriously wrong with me.

You have a clear eye exam and no symptoms of a brain tumour.

What you are describing is a tension headache - the most common type of headache.

Tension headache is a constant ache which affects the neck muscles. Some adults experience tension headaches more than 15 times a month for at least 3 months in a row (swiped from NHS webpage)

The most common cause of tension headaches is stress and anxiety but other causes are..

Using phone/computer screens
Poor posture
Lack of exercise
Not eating properly

As for Googling - you could literally type in any symptom and Dr Google will come up with cancer.

I've had chronic headaches/migraines since I was a teenager - including the delightful 'ice-pick' and cluster migraines. My 'usual' migraines put me in bed for 24 hours at least. But I don't have a brain tumour. What you describe is me on a good day. It's a tension headache, and nothing to worry about.

28-12-20, 22:43
Thanks for messages. Felt marginally better this morning but headache returned this evening - face totally numb, feel tired and worn out feeling like this. Been in this health anxiety worm hole for 6 weeks and it’s exhausting.

02-01-21, 06:22
Are you taking Tylenol or pain killers by any chance? Those can cause rebound headaches. In all honesty, this sounds like a tension headache. It can be a vicious cycle. I had a headache that lasted for eight months. I’m not kidding. Every day I had some variation of a headache. What made it go away? I got pregnant, and became distracted, lol. But yeah, I wouldn’t worry too much about this one.

02-01-21, 21:36
You'd have more severe things wrong with you if you had a brain tumour. They very rarely present with just headaches.

always scared
03-01-21, 00:27
You'd have more severe things wrong with you if you had a brain tumour. They very rarely present with just headaches.

I agree with Jase.

03-01-21, 13:50
My dear father had a brain tumour , and I can tell you that you have not ! I had same as you and worried myself sick but eventually came to realise that it was caused by too much googling on phone / laptop.stopped said googling and relaxed . Head ache gone !!!

04-01-21, 02:07
Worried sick about having a Brain Tumour. Have had a dull head ache now for 6 weeks which I cannot shift. No other symptoms other than a stiff neck and pain down my right arm. Symptoms point to lots of nasty things on Dr Google - not had any other neurological symptoms and had a clear eye test last week. Worried that my arm pain is the weakness ‘symptom’ and I’m terrified of finding out something is seriously wrong with me.

Hey Villa,

I'm there with you. I've had an intermittent headache over my right eye and at the top of my head for about a month now. I went about a week or two without a headache but now it seems to be back. It isn't getting worse though and there are no other symptoms. I've read that a headache alone with no neurological symptoms (seizures, vision loss, etc.) is rarely if ever a brain tumor. It is most likely a tension headache made worse by stress as other commenters have said. Keep us updated.