View Full Version : Kidney stone recurrence fear

28-12-20, 00:29
I experienced my first kidney stone 2.5 weeks ago. Excruciating pain, bladder infection, bloody urine and then no urinating at all which tanked my kidney function. Thank goodness the ER doctor ran bloodwork (he wasn't going to but changed his mind after seeing my CT scan report) and called the urologist who took me up to the OR to remove it. No report back yet but 99.9 % sure it was caused by dehydration (due to medical issues I'm constantly dehydrated. I get IV fluids every week but my veins are horrible. Waiting to get a port. After that I'll get fluids more often). Now I'm terrified I'll get more. Every twinge of pain reminds me of the stone pain and causes my anxiety to heighten. Is there any way to get over this fear?

28-12-20, 00:37
I understand this one all too well. I also had a kidney stone awhile back and every twinge afterward made me think I was about to have another one. There’s no miracle cure for that unfortunately. Eventually enough time passed that I kind of put it out of my mind and now I really don’t think about it anymore.

They do say drinking a glass of lemon water every day can help prevent them forming again. Not sure if it works or not but I did read that.

28-12-20, 02:04
Can I ask why you need IV fluids?

Drinking a lot of water is top on the list of ways to prevent them.

28-12-20, 02:28
TMI I have a high output ileostomy so I lose a lot of fluids.

28-12-20, 08:03
Thank you for sharing that, I do really think focusing on staying hydrated will help you. Lots of horrid kidney stones in my family and hydration is key.