View Full Version : Hello everyone, I'm new

Stefan P
02-11-07, 10:53
Hello all,

I'm glad I found this forum! I was diagnosed with mild anxiety disorder several years ago and given some medication to treat it. Recently though, I seem to have worsened, a couple of weekends ago I had my first panic attacks that I could not control (I've always managed to just about keep a lid on my anxiety by having that safe place I can run to .. although I can't use buses, hate crowded places, and only feel completely comfortable when at home). It seemed that after some stress recently (mother in law died, my mother has an unknown illness, financial problems, stress at work) it all got on top of me and I panicked, I ran from the house, and not even my "safe place" seemed safe anymore ... it really scared me.

After seeing the doctor he gave me some Citalopram which has settled me down, but it doesn't always work.

This morning while leaving the house to come to work I had my first panic attack about going out. I just got over it now (2 hours later) and am feeling better about being at work, but now I'm concerned that next time it comes to going to work I will panic again (I know that anxiety is a vicious circle that its difficult to break).

So I looked up anxiety, panic disorder and agoraphobia on the Internet (again .. for reassurance I am not going crazy), and there was a link to this site. It reassuring that I'm not alone ... and being a programmer and online gamer, I am very comfortable hiding behind my computer and posting here :)

Thanks for listening
Stefan L Perkins

02-11-07, 11:04
Hi Stefan,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

02-11-07, 11:22
Hi Stefan,

Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy your stay. An no you aren't alone.

Take Care
I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

02-11-07, 18:28
hi stefan:)
welcome to the forum
you,ll get lots of great advice here!!!!!:D

02-11-07, 18:53
Hello Stefan:welcome:to you!

Programmer eh? Don't be surprised if I pick your brains at some point - I'm only a lowly tecchie lol !!:blush:

Glad you found us - you're not alone or going crazy, but you've had a rough time and will find plenty of help and support here.

Pleased to meet you!


02-11-07, 18:56
Hi stepen

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


02-11-07, 18:57

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

02-11-07, 19:20
Hi Stefan

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

02-11-07, 21:38
Hi Stefan and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Anxiety is a vicious circle but you're taking steps to break it such as joining this site. Although you may be nervous about going to work you'll get lots of support here.

Take care,

Mike :)

02-11-07, 23:27
Hello Stephan And Welcome To The Site..........linda

Stefan P
03-11-07, 12:08
Thanks everyone for the really warm welcome :D

I've spent some time browsing the areas of the site and I must say its comforting to know that I'm not the only one going through what I am going through ... thanks again!

GroovyGranny - ask me anything you like ... I might not know the answer, but I'm happy to help !:yesyes:

Pink Princess
04-11-07, 15:27
hi stefan, glad you joined and hope this site makes good improvement to your life xxxxxxxxx


love minnie xxxxxxxxx

04-11-07, 20:37
Hi and welcome to NMP:)