View Full Version : Worried about my son

29-12-20, 11:24

So I'm currently really working on my HA through hypnotherapy and CBT and so far I've been managing to control my own fears but I'm having a bit of a panic about my son.

The background is he started having the urge to have bowel movements several times a day. He's an anxious boy (not surprising with me as a mother) and he's currently undergoing is mock exams and has been under quite a bit of stress with all the school changes so I had a chat with him and he indicated at school they are not allowed to use the toilet in the day due to them being locked and having to ask for a key! He said he felt worried about this as sometimes he had the urge to go in the middle of a lesson but didn't feel he could ask.

I told him he absolutely can ask for a key if he needs the toilet and if they refused I would be on the phone to them about it. I also had a chat with him about how sometimes you can't control when you need to go to the toilet and he shouldn't feel embarrassed about it.

We both thought it might be down to that but a couple of days later he passed quite a lot of mucus on its own. So I called the GP and took him along, they did a urine sample and blood tests.

At the time they said the urine sample was fine and the bloods have all come back clear, they did FBC, Liver, Kidneys, Inflammation levels, vitamins and minerals, all absolutely fine, so I breathed a sigh of relief. However, his urine sample apparently came back as borderline for red/white blood cells.

The GP has requested a retest and also that he does two stool samples. She said she is reassured as his blood is all fine and his inflammation levels are ok which I was fine about but upon picking up the sample pots today the urine one says immunocompromised? on it.

I wish I hadn't looked as I honestly wasn't worrying because I thought all the bloods were normal and they prescribed him some medication which seems to be helping. I was thinking he probably had a touch of IBS as I have it and so does his Dad but now I'm really panicking about why his urine pot says this.

Anyone have any experience of this? I know Urine samples frequently come back with odd results which resolve but I can't understand why she's put this on the pot particularly when his bloods are all fine.

If anyone has any ideas or has experienced anything similar I'd be really grateful to hear.


02-01-21, 06:17
How is your son doing now? Finding blood cells in urine is really quite common. They found some in mine two years ago and the doctor mentioned that it wasn’t all that uncommon to find it. I hope his repeat tests go well and you get some good news :)

Btw, it could be allergies as well.

02-01-21, 10:21
Hi Katniss

Thank you for asking.

He's redone his Urine sample and had to do stool samples as well but I imagine they won't be back until middle of next week.

In himself he's fine and I honestly wouldn't have given it a second thought. It's just seing immunocompromised? written on the label really worried me. Having said that I am trying to rationalise it with the fact his bloods were normal and I think anything significant would have shown up in those.

I hate waiting on results it's just horrible.

02-01-21, 13:35
I don’t have any experience exactly, and I’m sorry that you’re all going through this.

My niece started to get anxiety in school about the toilets too - hers was around sickness and that certain teachers wouldn’t let her out of the classroom if she felt sick.
She wrote to the head of her year about it and told them about her anxiety and they arranged a pass for her. Maybe this is something your son could do? It’s also nice for him to have someone else to talk to.

I hope the retests go well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-01-21, 13:49
Thanks Scass,

I did say to him when he returns to school I am happy to speak to them and explain the situation but being a typical teenager he's reluctant for me to do that.

The medication he has prescribed is definitely helping but when they do go back to school I am going to have the conversation with him again as I don't think it's right they should feel anxious about asking to go to the toilet. Especially, with everything else going on at the moment, they have enough to contend with.