View Full Version : Stomach really playing up...

29-12-20, 12:57
After the most horrid stressful 12 months, apart from the virus situation, I suppose unsurprisingly, my stomach is protesting. I nursed my lovely Mum for the first 3 months of the year, she has COPD and needed up in hospital 3 times which eventually led to her having a breakdown. She went for respite in a wonderful Nursing Home for two weeks but is still there, mainly due to COVID but also because she won’t be a burden to me bless her, as I’m an only child. It’s been so traumatic because of the restricted visits, no visits, then back to twice weekly in a pod. It’s broken me. I cry all the way home every time I leave even though she tells me she’s happy and I mustn’t get upset, but she still is very anxious and missing her friends and family dreadfully. I’ve recently emptied her house, sorted all sorts of official stuff out and it never ends. I’ve nothing left in the tank....I’m a wreck. Meltdowns constantly, cry most days, chronic fatigue feelings and depressed. Now my stomach is in full swing....I was awake all night with just a weird sensation in the upper part which is really bloated and odd pains here and there. I know I’ve just been grabbing the wrong stuff to eat and have been glugging bottles of energy drinks as I keep getting the old low blood sugar episodes.

To be honest, I don’t know what I’m seeking here, probably just reassurance and a vent, that under the circumstances it’s not surprising my stomach is acting up but I’m fearful of the nasties...I’ve just started Citalopram again but haven’t taken them for a few years now but very slowly only taking 5mg. Hoping it will take the edge off. I also take Losec 20mg every day and have done for years so wondering whether I should double up on those? Don't get much support from husband and son and don’t tell the older two so feel like I’m carrying the world on my shoulders right now. Scared of going to Drs right now, not that they’re seeing you but felt so rough early hours nearly went to A&E but was scared of never coming out and seeing my family again...such a strange world out there at the mo.

Thanks for reading.

29-12-20, 18:48
Wow what a hard situation you are in I couldn’t imagine it :(

However, with regards to your stomach omg if i were going through that mine would be much worse. I have always said the first thing for me that’s affected when I have any sort of stress is my stomach.

Doesn’t matter how well I eat (though the energy drinks will definitely not be helping.. I once ran a 10k after drinking Gatorade and nearly shit myself, and this was with 200 other people so would have been a very bad idea)

Hope things improve for you soon

29-12-20, 21:09
It’s hard and there’s only the inevitable outcome to face at some point but I need to get well to cope with that.

Gosh, that was a lot of Gatorade!!

30-12-20, 07:41
Lol no it wasn’t much at all XD I just never really drank it and thought it would get me round really fast!

Which to be fair it did until about the fifth mile then omg agony (not all bad though I finished in record time but it wasn’t worth it for the stomach ache)

30-12-20, 07:54
Now my stomach is in full swing....I was awake all night with just a weird sensation in the upper part which is really bloated and odd pains here and there. I know I’ve just been grabbing the wrong stuff to eat and have been glugging bottles of energy drinks as I keep getting the old low blood sugar episodes.

Our digestive system takes a direct hit with stress, and you have a lot to be stressed about!

You really need to knock the energy drinks on the head - it's asking for trouble when you have IBS.

Don't get much support from husband and son and don’t tell the older two so feel like I’m carrying the world on my shoulders right now. Scared of going to Drs right now, not that they’re seeing you but felt so rough early hours nearly went to A&E but was scared of never coming out and seeing my family again...such a strange world out there at the mo.

Sorry to hear your Hub's is about as much use as a £5 rubber dinghy in a tsunami but you're amongst friends on here, so vent away. X

30-12-20, 12:34
Thanks NoraB, I might well have to as it’s either that or running away at the moment ��