View Full Version : How long does a relaspe last?

02-11-07, 13:53
I am nearly a year into my relaspe. Each day its getting harder and harder to fight it. I am already feeling anxious about something i have got to do tomorrow and thats not including how crap i feel about going shopping in a little while.

My heart is racing, i feel sick, i am scared..sorry TERRIFIED!

Positive thoughts/ideas please :weep:

02-11-07, 16:23
Hello Bluebell !
I believe that relapses are another long learning experience. I can feel your anxiety from your post as you talk about FIGHTING ...... this alone will make you tense and anxious ! Whatever plans you have for the future canot harm you now - and if you really think about them - can they every harm you ? Probably not - only the way we think about things makes them scary.
By now you will be back from the shops. Well done ! It is only the fear of panic that is holding us back and every successful trip you make is a step closer to recovery. Now how good does that feel ?
be kind to yourself

02-11-07, 18:38
:hugs: hey bluebell, im sorry your feeling so bad at the moment. there is light at the end of the tunnel, please believe me!!! my relapse has lasted 8 months, but probably started in august 2005. i had a smaller period from then until easter 2006. i really advocate thecbt method, to try to change the thoughts you are having, it doesnt work immediately,but over time you start to find that you can turn your thoughts around so that you are not a slave to alll the negativity and fear. how much do you know about cbt, do you have any cbt self-help books? if you cant afford to have therapy privately i would suggest really looking into cbt based self-helpbooks. also check out the site uncommonknowledge.i really wish you well, because i know hopw hard it is,up until recently i thought my world was going to fall apart again,but now imdoing things on my own i hadnt done for years!!! please please believe you can get over this, but you have to know how to first.