View Full Version : struggling today

29-12-20, 22:40
I'm trying to keep my anxiety at bay today but it's been really hard. All I wanna do is google things and obsess and maybe go out and get a covid test but also just sleep the day away. I feel like an addict, it's so hard to not google and research things but I know it'll only make my anxiety worse. I had a bout of diarrhea over the weekend and since then everything has been off. My sleeping schedule is all off, I had a persistant headache, and now I'm feeling sinus pressure and kind of like I'm coming down with something but I keep trying to tell myself it's just because I haven't been sleeping well or eating a lot since the diarrhea. I feel really alone right now and scared that I have covid. I'm trying to just give myself another 24 hours and if things get worse then I will call the doctor and maybe plan on a covid test. It's the waiting that is killing me and I'm scared for the next 24 hours because everything I try to do to distract myself or pass the time isn't working. So here I am.

30-12-20, 10:51
I'm sorry you're struggling. What's making you hold back on taking a covid test? It doesn't sound like you have the classic symptoms of covid but do you think a test might put your mind at rest? I took one last week as I had a sore throat and it was super quick and easy, I booked it and took it the same day, I had the results back the next day which were negative.

Kalie galea
30-12-20, 11:01
Seashell07 you are not alone I've been suffering really bad with my anxiety and panic attacks 4 weeks sat I got the positive result for covid since then my anxiety and attacks have been horrid even tho I only had mild symptoms sore throat stuffy nose little cough not continuously symptoms when in a week but I kept thinking I'm dying I'm going to stop breathing been er had ambulances out had xray bloods ecg all clear sats 99percent I stated a new med venlafaxine 18 days ago but you are certainly not alone most people if they get it get it mildly you will be ok

30-12-20, 11:19
I struggle silently every day

always scared
30-12-20, 15:06
I struggle silently every day
Same :weep:

30-12-20, 19:35
Thanks so much for the replies. After a somewhat good night's sleep I feel back to myself again and all my symptoms are just...gone. I think what I was experiencing was a migraine over the past couple days, but it was weird because it was not my usual migraine symptoms because the pain/pressure was mostly in my sinuses. It also felt like a weird allergic reaction because my face would feel flushed and I'd feel itchy. Sometimes I wonder if it's my body reacting to hormone fluctuations because I can't figure out what else it could be. But what clued me in that it was possibly a migraine was that the headache kept coming back after the pain meds wore off (I have migraines that can sometimes last a couple days) So bizarre. I hate when you don't know for sure what is wrong or why your body is doing what it does. It's living in that uncertainty that can be unbearable sometimes!

cattia - I'm grateful I live somewhere where we have easy same-day drive thru covid testing but unfortunately I don't have a car and so I have to coordinate a ride with my roommate so it's kind of an ordeal. I did get one a couple months ago and it was nice how easy it was. I think I'll skip it for now that I'm feeling better and my symptoms are gone.

30-12-20, 19:37
Same :weep:

virtual hugs to both of you!

30-12-20, 19:39
Seashell07 you are not alone I've been suffering really bad with my anxiety and panic attacks 4 weeks sat I got the positive result for covid since then my anxiety and attacks have been horrid even tho I only had mild symptoms sore throat stuffy nose little cough not continuously symptoms when in a week but I kept thinking I'm dying I'm going to stop breathing been er had ambulances out had xray bloods ecg all clear sats 99percent I stated a new med venlafaxine 18 days ago but you are certainly not alone most people if they get it get it mildly you will be ok

glad you are doing ok! ugh the worst is when I feel the smallest thing then my brain immediately goes to the worst case scenario and I picture myself in the hospital on a respirator or something. absolutely the worst

30-12-20, 23:17
Glad you're doing better. I have suffered with migraines all my life but I've found they've changed as I have got older and now I do get sinus pressure and congestion with them. I looked it up and it can definitely be a migraine symptom so that would also explain it.

31-12-20, 00:40
Thanks, that's good to know. My anxiety is going up again because my face was starting to feel a bit itchy again. Now I'm on to thinking maybe I have rosacea? I've read it's fairly common to develop it in your 30s/40s (I'm 37). Over Christmas after having some wine my face became super flushed - not just normal, wine flushed - but like super red on my nose and cheeks. Since then it has been itchy on and off. This has happened once before within the past year or so. I broke my googling rule and read up on rosacea and it all sounds very familiar, although my face isn't too bad so hopefully I just have a mild case. This winter weather and blasting the heat more probably isn't helping either. Ugh. Anyway, my plan is to talk to my doctor about it and/or a dermatologist (I've been wanting to do that forever for other reasons anyway) which is stressing me out because going anywhere stresses me out during this pandemic.

In the meantime I'm gonna use cold compresses and just try to focus on other things and not worry too much. Once again, the waiting game, I hate it

07-01-21, 22:47
Another not good day. Had a panic attack in the middle of the night and my anxiety has been high. Been trying to keep it at bay a bit but I'm up and down. I know some of it is due to my period/hormones so that is making me relax a bit. But lately I've been feeling thirsty/slight dry mouth, despite drinking water throughout the day so now I'm drinking some pedialyte in hopes that makes me feel better. But I'm on the verge of doing an urgent care virtual visit because it's making me worry about my kidneys or if it's a sign of something else wrong, which is also making me worry about taking ibuprofen, which I need for period cramps. Ugh I hate this :( Cant this weird change in saliva be a hormone thing?? Once again trying hard not to google anything because I know it will make things worse :(