View Full Version : new member - anxiety and stress midlife and HA

30-12-20, 12:20
Hi everyone, im new to the site, i have suffered with Anxiety and stress for 25 years i can normally cope and try and stop the symptoms but have found over the last few months i have gotten really bad , i recently turned middle age (mid 40's) and work related stress and the Pandemic has taken its toll, but i have found im experiencing new anxiety symptoms i have never had before and was just wonder is anyone else has - at the moment it feels like health Anxiety and its feeding my fears along with COVID anxiety

over the last few weeks i have experienced:

I struggle to get my words out when talking it feels like im slurring my words
Constant worry about how im feeling
Really poor eyesight, i have had to start wearing glasses
Songs stuck in my head - go round all day
Waking up early in the morning, first thought is basically how am i going to feel today and end up panicking and noticing strange sensations in my body
I feel all nervous, trouble typing and feel my coordination has gone in the hands
Feel im walking funny
strange feelings in my arms and legs
feel my thinking has really slowed down, i really have to push myself to do something even just doing simple tasks
Constant mind chatter, racing thoughts that and the songs going round my head is really draining
Spending so much time thinking back to how many years i have wasted being anxious, and it makes me sad, constantly looking back on my life
Health fears - MS, COVID Parkinson’s, CJD - (this is a new one, high anxiety and coordination problems)
Find myself spending all day with just thoughts running round my head

Im sure this will pass and things will get better but really struggling to enjoy anything and concentrate on work or general day to day tasks :(

thanks for reading

30-12-20, 12:29
Hiya advance and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and
are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and
support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

30-12-20, 22:29
Thank you - i will have a look

31-12-20, 07:33
I struggle to get my words out when talking it feels like im slurring my words
Constant worry about how im feeling
Really poor eyesight, i have had to start wearing glasses
Songs stuck in my head - go round all day
Waking up early in the morning, first thought is basically how am i going to feel today
I feel all nervous, trouble typing and feel my coordination has gone in the hands
Feel im walking funny
strange feelings in my arms and legs
feel my thinking has really slowed down, i really have to push myself to do something even just doing simple tasks
Constant mind chatter, racing thoughts that and the songs going round my head is really draining
Spending so much time thinking back to how many years i have wasted being anxious, and it makes me sad, constantly looking back on my life
Find myself spending all day with just thoughts running round my head

This is me on a good day! :huh:

Hi and welcome. :yesyes:

31-12-20, 09:02
Hi everyone, im new to the site, i have suffered with Anxiety and stress for 25 years i can normally cope and try and stop the symptoms but have found over the last few months i have gotten really bad , i recently turned middle age (mid 40's) and work related stress and the Pandemic has taken its toll, but i have found im experiencing new anxiety symptoms i have never had before and was just wonder is anyone else has - at the moment it feels like health Anxiety and its feeding my fears along with COVID anxiety

over the last few weeks i have experienced:

I struggle to get my words out when talking it feels like im slurring my words
Constant worry about how im feeling
Really poor eyesight, i have had to start wearing glasses
Songs stuck in my head - go round all day
Waking up early in the morning, first thought is basically how am i going to feel today and end up panicking and noticing strange sensations in my body
I feel all nervous, trouble typing and feel my coordination has gone in the hands
Feel im walking funny
strange feelings in my arms and legs
feel my thinking has really slowed down, i really have to push myself to do something even just doing simple tasks
Constant mind chatter, racing thoughts that and the songs going round my head is really draining
Spending so much time thinking back to how many years i have wasted being anxious, and it makes me sad, constantly looking back on my life
Health fears - MS, COVID Parkinson’s, CJD - (this is a new one, high anxiety and coordination problems)
Find myself spending all day with just thoughts running round my head

Im sure this will pass and things will get better but really struggling to enjoy anything and concentrate on work or general day to day tasks :(

thanks for reading

Hi Advance, welcome to the site. Yes this is pretty much me on a daily basis minus the MS & Parkinsons (strangely enough they never cross my mind). What to do about it, i really don’t know all we can do is carry on living & hope that one day all this will be a distant memory & remember we are strong people because who else could live like this on a daily basis.

08-01-21, 16:17
Songs stuck in my head - go round all dayOh God....same here with music. The good old (never-ending) "earworms" can be so troublesome. https://www.webmd.com/brain/news/20161103/cant-get-that-song-out-of-your-head-heres-why. I'll be 48 this year and I also suffer with intrusive thoughts and enormous sometimes crippling OCD. Life can (certainly) be a daily struggle. Make sure through all this, you remember to find time to be kind to yourself :)