View Full Version : Front of neck bigger on right side

31-12-20, 11:09
When I looked in the mirror yesterday I noticed that the front of my neck is bigger on the right side than the left. I don't know if this is a lymph node, something else or just some muscle. It's down near the bottom of the neck, not far above the collar bone. It's about an inch to an inch and a half in length. It feels quite soft too. I think i can feel the same thing on the left side if I try hard enough but it sticks out so much more on the right.
I don't know much about the anatomy of the neck. What's in the front of it? Are there lymph nodes in the front near the bottom? What size are lymph nodes usually?
Anyone have anything similar or know what it might be that I'm seeing?

31-12-20, 12:44
Mine is too.
I don’t know whether it means anything or not, or how long it’s been like that.

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31-12-20, 14:50
There have been a couple of threads about this lately. Proof that the forum can be a trigger to some. There are nodes throughout our bodies (500-700). If you poke and prod enough, you're bound to find a few but again, its of absolutely no matter nor concern. That said, we're asymmetrical by nature. It's really that simple

Positive thoughts

31-12-20, 16:19
Mine is like that and I have a slightly enlarged Thyroid.

From the location you are describing it could be your Thyroid and in some people the gland is slightly bigger. Mine has been scanned as the Dr said it felt slightly bigger but if anything it just normally indicates your Thyroid is having to work a bit harder than normal and they can give you medication. My levels are always borderline so I just take the lowest does of Thyroxine.

It may not be that but if it is then it's fairly common, more so in ladies, very easy for a GP to feel and tell you if that is it.

31-12-20, 18:36
I was hoping, and trying so hard, to convince myself that it is just a case of being asymmetrical. Because things like that have freaked me out so many times in the past.
But now I'm also wondering about the thyroid after what you said Munchlet. I don't really know much about the thyroid - where exactly is it, what does it do and what are the symptoms if something is wrong.
If it is the thyroid is it possible that it is just bigger on one side than the other without there being anything serious wrong?
I know that nobody can diagnose anything here but I'm just looking for some more possibilities of what it could be, other than what my HA mind is telling me!

31-12-20, 18:48
I'm just looking for some more possibilities of what it could be, other than what my HA mind is telling me!

Why can't you accept that it's a normal body anomaly? It's always been that way or else you would have noticed prior. The difference is you looked for something to attach your HA to :shrug:


31-12-20, 20:47
Why can't you accept that it's a normal body anomaly? ........

If I could accept that then I probably wouldn't be posting about it here. That's what HA does, to me anyway. Logic goes out the window and all I can think now is what if it's thyroid cancer? (which occurs mostly in women who are over 40 - that's me!!)
I honestly don't know what to do or think now. Should I try to forget about it (don't know how I'd do that) or do I ring the doctor? And that isn't an easy thing for me to do anymore because I found out 2 days ago that my doctor has left. I don't know why or what happened for her to leave, but I'm gutted that I've lost a doctor I could talk to and who understood what HA was doing to me.

31-12-20, 20:56
all I can think now is what if it's thyroid cancer? (which occurs mostly in women who are over 40 - that's me!!)

Perhaps you should think twice about posting then. You posted about a normal asymmetric bodily anomaly, someone mentioned thyroid, you Googled and now, here you are :shrug:What good does it do you to seek reassurance if an innocent reply feeds your dragon?


31-12-20, 21:03
Just a thought, do you have a baby or little children? My partner developed quite bigger right sided shoulder/neck muscles after our daughters were babies/toddlers - because she used to always carry them on her right hand side!

31-12-20, 21:25
Perhaps you should think twice about posting then. You posted about a normal asymmetric bodily anomaly, someone mentioned thyroid, you Googled and now, here you are :shrug:What good does it do you to seek reassurance if an innocent reply feeds your dragon?

I know what you're saying. I panic about something, I post about it, someone says something or I read something on a similar thread and boom - I have a diagnosis from the doctor in my head.
I hate how HA works and what it does to me. It's soul destroying to be honest. When I do post about something it means that I'm usually at my wits end and desperate for some reassurance. The whole thing is just a viscous circle.

I don't know how you do it Fishman - telling us the same things over and over. I bet you wish you could give some of us a virtual slap sometimes :wacko:

31-12-20, 21:27
Just a thought, do you have a baby or little children? My partner developed quite bigger right sided shoulder/neck muscles after our daughters were babies/toddlers - because she used to always carry them on her right hand side!
I have 2 children but they are older now - 13 and 19.
I do have pain in the back of my neck, on the right side. I've had it for years. Don't know if it's a case of my left and right are not the same but worst case scenario is all I can think of.

31-12-20, 22:04
I have a similar issue going on except it's my left collarbone that is wierder than the right one. The sternal end is lumpier and more pointy in an upwards direction. A bit sensitive to the touch but that could be cause I've been prodding it.

01-01-21, 02:35
This thread is proving so perfectly why those who aren't OPs shouldn't be posting reassuring comments or alternative diagnosis. Sometimes we are the reason OPs keep posting and seeking reassurance!

01-01-21, 13:13
This thread is proving so perfectly why those who aren't OPs shouldn't be posting reassuring comments or alternative diagnosis. Sometimes we are the reason OPs keep posting and seeking reassurance!
I certainly get what you're say there NotDeadYet. When I started this thread the front of my neck was sticking out more on the right, and now I can't get the thoughts of thyroid cancer out of my head. I'm usually fairly good with googling, I've learnt from the past the damage it can do, but I slipped up this time. And I don't mean any disrespect towards Munchlet, who suggested thyroid. Something can be mentioned so innocently in the hope of helping the OP, but the HA mind works like no other. It hears, sees and reads things so differently and before you know it you're off down yet another rabbit hole.
I desperately want to get better. I'm so tired of constantly worrying about illness and dying. When a thought comes into my head it just won't leave me alone. I've been trying to do a few things around the house to distract myself since I got up this morning, but the truth is I feel sick with anxiety since I opened my eyes. I can feel adrenaline pumping around my body all the time. I feel like crying and getting sick at the same time. This is no bloody way to live.

01-01-21, 14:17
BrokenGirl...You can't control any of the responses from people on an HA board and are bound to be suggestible to comments re "alternative" diagnoses..

What good does it do you to ask for medical advice on here?..You lay yourself open to just more anxiety and doubt.

You're just looking for another health issue to fill the gap left by the last one. You're right, it's no bloody way to live but the misery and torment will continue if you continue to feed your triggers.

01-01-21, 16:04
I desperately want to get better. I'm so tired of constantly worrying about illness and dying. When a thought comes into my head it just won't leave me alone. I've been trying to do a few things around the house to distract myself since I got up this morning, but the truth is I feel sick with anxiety since I opened my eyes. I can feel adrenaline pumping around my body all the time. I feel like crying and getting sick at the same time. This is no bloody way to live.

Oh BrokenGirl,

This pains my heart to read this because I know how you feel. I was you and sometimes still am. The HA mind is a beast and can lead us down horrible paths that sometimes feel endless and hopeless.

I can promise you though that there really, truly is hope. There is light at the end of the tunnel and you don't need to spend your life like this. I was a full-time lurker on NMP for the better part of two years when I was at the height of my lymph node obsession. I truly felt like there was no way for me to ever control my thoughts or get out the endless spiral. I would try distracting myself in the hopes that my thoughts would shift but I came to discover that no matter what activities I did, the huge pink elephant of anxiety was still in the room. I did some therapy sessions where I finally learned that my anxiety will be my constant companion for the rest of my life. I had to determine whether to shove it in a box and ignore it even though it would keep screaming for my attention or I could actually become friends with it. I chose the latter. I've come to learn through DAILY practice that I cannot get rid of my anxiety. I can't even get rid of the discomfort of it. Instead I can change my expectation of what it is and how it effects me. I can challenge my thoughts (this takes so much practice) and redirect my attention to the things that matter most. My anxiety is still present but I'm not fighting it any longer. I just accept it for what it is and then it doesn't have so much power over me.

Non-OPs like myself do the most good when we provide hope and helpful suggestions like going to a doctor to get an all clear (and then trusting it), getting in touch with mental health resources, or sharing our own experiences with recovery. We do absolutely no good when we tear people down, call them names, shame them, provide alternative diagnosis, or constantly provide the same reassurance.

You are absolutely right that this is no way to live nor should you. If you are able to go to a doctor, get an all clear, and then truly begin practicing the skills found on this site, you can really begin your path to recovery.

Best Wishes

01-01-21, 19:39
I completely agree with NotDeadYet's comprehensive and knowledgeable advice. You need far more than symptom advice, BrokenGirl and sympathy can only go so far. You need practical help and a clear plan to help you to manage your HA after getting the all clear on any health issue. Having a definite plan and learning to dismiss previous bad habits could give you some liberation from the HA mindset and how wonderful that would be!

01-01-21, 20:57
Hi BrokenGirl,

I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to send you into a spiral. I was just trying to reassure you that even if you do have a slightly bigger area on your neck it can be something very innocent as in my case.

It's probably not your thyroid but I was just trying to point out that there are things that can cause slight swellings which are really common and easily managed/treated.

Thyroid issues are quite common and if your Thyroid is not producing enough hormones or producing too many then it can cause it to swell. In answer to your question yes it can cause it to enlarge in one area as mine did.

Please don't go down the Thyroid Cancer route that is extremely unlikely, as others have said it is probably just an innocent difference in the size of the muscles in that area.

03-01-21, 12:25
Oh BrokenGirl,

This pains my heart to read this because I know how you feel. I was you and sometimes still am. The HA mind is a beast and can lead us down horrible paths that sometimes feel endless and hopeless.

I can promise you though that there really, truly is hope. There is light at the end of the tunnel and you don't need to spend your life like this. I was a full-time lurker on NMP for the better part of two years when I was at the height of my lymph node obsession. I truly felt like there was no way for me to ever control my thoughts or get out the endless spiral. I would try distracting myself in the hopes that my thoughts would shift but I came to discover that no matter what activities I did, the huge pink elephant of anxiety was still in the room. I did some therapy sessions where I finally learned that my anxiety will be my constant companion for the rest of my life. I had to determine whether to shove it in a box and ignore it even though it would keep screaming for my attention or I could actually become friends with it. I chose the latter. I've come to learn through DAILY practice that I cannot get rid of my anxiety. I can't even get rid of the discomfort of it. Instead I can change my expectation of what it is and how it effects me. I can challenge my thoughts (this takes so much practice) and redirect my attention to the things that matter most. My anxiety is still present but I'm not fighting it any longer. I just accept it for what it is and then it doesn't have so much power over me.

Non-OPs like myself do the most good when we provide hope and helpful suggestions like going to a doctor to get an all clear (and then trusting it), getting in touch with mental health resources, or sharing our own experiences with recovery. We do absolutely no good when we tear people down, call them names, shame them, provide alternative diagnosis, or constantly provide the same reassurance.

You are absolutely right that this is no way to live nor should you. If you are able to go to a doctor, get an all clear, and then truly begin practicing the skills found on this site, you can really begin your path to recovery.

Best Wishes
Thank you NotDeadYet for your lenghty and very apt reply. Again, everything you say makes sense. It does give me some hope when you say there is light at the end of the tunnel. I'm sorry you had to go through 2 years of hell like that, but you sound as if you are dealing with it and coping with it now. I've heard other people say as well that once you have HA it never goes away. You need to learn how to live alongside it and how to cope when you start falling.

My usual GP left last week and that honestly was like a kick in the guts to me. I had no idea she was going and it's made me feel very alone and frightened. I knew she was always just a phone call away if I needed to ask her anything. Having that taken from me when I'm in the depths of HA has truly shaken me to the core. There is another doctor at the practice who I've seen a few times. Most of the time I feel as if she just doesn't get my HA. I'm going to have to ring her this week though and see what she says about this neck issue. I know I'll be scared making that phonecall, not knowing whether or not she'll take my worries seriously or just dismiss me quickly and think I'm wasting her time. And that's a horrible feeling to have before you make the phonecall.

My doctor had given me the name and number of a psychologist she recommended. I'm going to give him a ring this week and see if he'll start seeing me. I don't know if he's taking on new clients or if he's even seeing people at the moment, due to the lockdown we have here.

So I'm in a fairly sh**ty place at the moment. Scared of ringing the psychologist, terrified of ringing the GP and all the while worried sick that there's something seriously wrong with me.

Am I doing the right thing? Ringing the doctor to try to get this worry out of my head but also ringing the psychologist to try to start fixing my head? I don't know what to do anymore my head is in such a state.

03-01-21, 12:36
Am I doing the right thing? Ringing the doctor to try to get this worry out of my head but also ringing the psychologist to try to start fixing my head? I don't know what to do anymore my head is in such a state.

Again, we're asymmetrical by nature and this is a case of hyper-focusing on a normal bodily anomaly, your HA spiraling out of control and being fed by triggers you read about. I know you're going to give in to the dragon and call the doctor regardless of what I write but I don't think that is going to solve the issue and would be a waste of time. I would contact the psychologist ASAP and start to address the real issue.

Positive thoughts

03-01-21, 14:05
To be honest BrokenGirl, it's probably a good thing that your GP has left because having such easy access and her being "just a phone call away" whenever you had a health fear and needed reassurance isn't going to help you manage your HA by yourself..which is what you are aiming for for true "success".

It could be that this other GP actually does "get" HA and could be a far better doctor for you by not being instantly available and by not referring you for unnecessary tests as a reassurance policy . That's not helping you, that's enabling your HA to continue unchecked.

Ring the psychologist and see what's what. There will probably be online sessions available which would be something and a lot better than doing nothing other than seek out and research new symptoms and then be left with "knowledge" you can't unread.

03-01-21, 22:01
Hi BrokenGirl,

I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to send you into a spiral. I was just trying to reassure you that even if you do have a slightly bigger area on your neck it can be something very innocent as in my case.

It's probably not your thyroid but I was just trying to point out that there are things that can cause slight swellings which are really common and easily managed/treated.

Thyroid issues are quite common and if your Thyroid is not producing enough hormones or producing too many then it can cause it to swell. In answer to your question yes it can cause it to enlarge in one area as mine did.

Please don't go down the Thyroid Cancer route that is extremely unlikely, as others have said it is probably just an innocent difference in the size of the muscles in that area.
There's no need to apologise Munchlet, you've absolutely nothing to be sorry for. It's very obvious reading your post that you only wanted to help me. You couldn't possibly know how bad my HA is at the moment. You tried to say that one possible reason is that my thyroid may be a little under active or over active. But of course I ran 10 steps ahead of that and did what I always do - absolute worst case scenario.
So please don't feel bad about what you posted. If anything I should be thanking you for replying and trying to help me :)

#Fishmanpa - I know you believe that the only thing wrong with me is in my head. I'm trying to and I want to believe that also. Will I give in to the dragon and call the doctor? Probably, but I won't say definitely yet. But I just don't feel mentally strong enough at the moment to fight this one on my own. I have adrenaline pumping around my body all the time and this only feeds the bad thoughts. This isn't good for me, physically or mentally.
I'll definitely be contacting the psychologist this week and see if he's available. Fingers crossed he'll be able to fit me in

03-01-21, 22:47
#Fishmanpa - I know you believe that the only thing wrong with me is in my head. I'm trying to and I want to believe that also. Will I give in to the dragon and call the doctor? Probably, but I won't say definitely yet. But I just don't feel mentally strong enough at the moment to fight this one on my own. I have adrenaline pumping around my body all the time and this only feeds the bad thoughts. This isn't good for me, physically or mentally.
I'll definitely be contacting the psychologist this week and see if he's available. Fingers crossed he'll be able to fit me in

In the 4 1/2 years you've been posting, don't you think this would have come up? :whistles: Just saying....

Let us know what the psychologist said.


04-01-21, 02:34
To be honest BrokenGirl, it's probably a good thing that your GP has left because having such easy access and her being "just a phone call away" whenever you had a health fear and needed reassurance isn't going to help you manage your HA by yourself..which is what you are aiming for for true "success".

It could be that this other GP actually does "get" HA and could be a far better doctor for you by not being instantly available and by not referring you for unnecessary tests as a reassurance policy . That's not helping you, that's enabling your HA to continue unchecked.

Ring the psychologist and see what's what. There will probably be online sessions available which would be something and a lot better than doing nothing other than seek out and research new symptoms and then be left with "knowledge" you can't unread.
I hear what you're saying Pulisa, but at the moment I don't agree that my doctor leaving is a good thing. I needed her for now to help me get through these awful days. If all I was doing was going back to my doctor for reassurance and doing nothing to sort my HA, then I'd agree that I'd never get out of the vicious cycle and her being there for me like that wouldn't solve anything. It would just give me peace of mind for a while until the next thing comes along. But I wanted her there for now while I sorted my head out, and as the weeks and months went by, that I would see her for reassurance less and less, until eventually I would only go to see her when there was a real valid reason to see her. Like a normal non HA person.
But whether it's a good thing or not, she's gone and I have to deal with it. I'm still very undecided whether I will ring the other doctor about my neck. I'm scared to do it and scared not to do it, if that makes sense.

If there is a swelling in my neck is it not better to get it looked at? Maybe it wasn't always like that and it only happened recently, which is why I only noticed it a few days ago?