View Full Version : 2020 is almost over. What have you achieved this year?

31-12-20, 13:29
However big or small your achievements may be it's still an achievement.

What's your best achievement/s of 2020?

Go ...

31-12-20, 14:44
I pushed on through my massive germophobia and kept working throughout this pandemic. It’s not the biggest or best achievement in the world but for me it’s huge lol.

31-12-20, 16:47
I pushed on through my massive germophobia and kept working throughout this pandemic. It’s not the biggest or best achievement in the world but for me it’s huge lol.

Of course it's a huge achievement. Well done!

31-12-20, 17:44
Realised even more so than ever that we shouldn't take everything in life for granted.

31-12-20, 18:09
Realised even more so than ever that we shouldn't take everything in life for granted.

I completely agree Lencoboy! Enjoy every waking hour doing what you enjoy and what you love. Happy new year to you and yours.

Happy new year glasgowgirlw too!

01-01-21, 06:52
I became a grandma. Does that count? :unsure:

I managed not to bury my husband's body under the patio as promised on week 2 of the lockdown in March.:scared15:

I discovered that being 50 isn't as shit as I thought it would be.:yesyes:

I have broken my own record of binge-watching Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes.. :shades:

I went from 10 stone to 9 stone 4lbs from March to end of September doing my physio exercises every day. (it's all gone to shit again but it's still an achievement) :emot-woot:

I overcame my issues with the facemask. :ninja:

I have been in control of my HA for three years now. :emot-dance:

I've been totally humbled by the efforts of the NHS and all those on the frontline and for all those people who've kept this country going. Also, whoever left an Easter egg on the doorstep of each house with a rainbow in the window - has a special place in my heart. The look on my little boy's face! It's little acts of kindness like that which have shone through the darkness. :bighug1:

01-01-21, 08:14
I managed not to throw myself off a cliff, under a bus or into a wood chipper , considering the year I’ve had it’s quite an achievement, probably best not to put it on my cv though , still plodding on :yesyes:

01-01-21, 08:43
I've managed to keep my son alive.

02-01-21, 08:52
I've managed to keep my son alive.

Brought a massive lump to my throat this P. You are an amazing mum. X

02-01-21, 08:54
I managed not to throw myself off a cliff, under a bus or into a wood chipper , considering the year I’ve had it’s quite an achievement, probably best not to put it on my cv though , still plodding on :yesyes:

Into the wood chipper? Think of the mess Buster! :ohmy:

02-01-21, 09:16
I survived the year:yesyes:and like Buster I didn’t do a Lemming :D

10-01-21, 03:53
2020 was horrible. But, I homeschooled (and continue to) my first grader while going to law school and dealing with the horror and anxiety of the pandemic, the stress and pain of my goddamn fibroids that have continued to grow and wreak havoc on my body, and our president trying to overthrow the government. It was REALLY hard, but I pulled off a 3.8 GPA including the only A+ in my Constitutional Law class and will be inducted into our honor society as a distinguished scholar, which just seems unreal based on how distracted and stressed I was all semester.

I'm starting out 2021 for me - I took the spring semester off to have my surgery, give myself a break, and heal mentally and physically!

10-01-21, 09:00
Well done Erin:flowers:and hoping 2021 is a better year
Take Care x.

10-01-21, 14:36
That's a fantastic achievement, Erin!

I hope you are able to book your surgery as planned and that you are soon able to live without pain again after those awful fibroids come out.

10-01-21, 15:08
Well done Erin:flowers:and hoping 2021 is a better year
Take Care x.

Thank you!