View Full Version : Random bouts of feeling dizzy/faint

01-01-21, 22:22
Hi, guys. I have been doing SO well with my health anxiety. I went off of my meds back in August because of how well I was doing, and I had some hiccups, but was able to overcome them by telling myself said symptoms would pass and I’m ok. But this time I can’t combat my emotions :(

Not sure if this matters but I’m 25 years old and have recently been in a state of wondering if I have different things wrong with me.

The past week, I’ve been having random bouts of dizziness/ feeling like I’m going to pass out, and I’ve automatically started worrying it has something to do with my heart, I guess because when I’ve seen other threads on here, a lot of them mention the heart so it just freaks me out. Heart problems are one of my absolute main fears, if not the biggest one.

I don’t get these feelings when I’m distracting myself, for example, I’ve been going out on walks to get fresh air and as soon as I’m outside, it’s like my anxiety goes away and I’m feeling normal... and last night (for NYE), I had a good amount of alcohol, and felt 100% normal! It felt great. And this morning when I woke up, I was feeling obviously a bit more anxious than usual due to the alcohol.

I’m probably rambling, but I keep telling myself it’s anxiety because it goes away when I’m preoccupied (cleaning, cooking, showering, walking outside, or drinking alcohol), I guess I’m just looking for reassurance. I’m considering going back on Prozac since I’m doing so awful now, but any sort of reassurance from you guys is always beyond helpful for me :( I hate feeling like this!

Also, just took half of a Xanax because I almost had a PA :/

01-01-21, 22:34
Hey, just wanted to say I also drank a lot yesterday and am feeling super anxious

01-01-21, 22:38
very common anxiety symptom

01-01-21, 22:50
Also take a pregnancy test...

01-01-21, 22:51
Hey, just wanted to say I also drank a lot yesterday and am feeling super anxious

It’s the worst, isn’t it? We do it to ourselves lol.
I felt wonderful during my drinking time, but yikes today! Hope you feel better soon; drink lots of water!

01-01-21, 22:52
I am definitely not pregnant lol

01-01-21, 22:53
very common anxiety symptom

Thank goodness... I’ve read endless posts on it, it’s just so hard to cope with it when it happens. But like I said, it’s gone when I’m doing something productive or taking a walk and getting fresh air. I’ve been trying to keep busy, but it’s hard with being cooped up in my apartment!

01-01-21, 22:54
Unless you're 100% sure, I wouldn't doubt it. Lots of women have anxiety symptoms only to find out they're preggers.

01-01-21, 22:58
Unless you're 100% sure, I wouldn't doubt it. Lots of women have anxiety symptoms only to find out they're preggers.

Yeah, I’m 100% positive I’m not pregnant. My health anxiety is something I’ve battled for years with now. I’m sure it’s my anxiety in overdrive, as I’ve been recently having hiccups with it. It’s just nice to hear reassurance and people with similar problems.

01-01-21, 23:11
Ok, just checking! One of my former students was complaining to me about how she was feeling just under the weather and kind of dizzy lately...and then the next time I talked to her, I found out I was having a grand student LOL

01-01-21, 23:20
Ok, just checking! One of my former students was complaining to me about how she was feeling just under the weather and kind of dizzy lately...and then the next time I talked to her, I found out I was having a grand student LOL

Hahaha! I could definitely see that happening for others, but unfortunately (TMI) my health anxiety has made me 0 drive! It’s an issue my husband (just got married almost 2 months ago) and I are battling lol :(

01-01-21, 23:29
I'm so sorry. Are you on an AD? Some of them can be real killers to that lady libido...

02-01-21, 00:02
I'm so sorry. Are you on an AD? Some of them can be real killers to that lady libido...

I was on Prozac since I was around 19 years old.. in and off because I’d get better and feel strong enough o be without it, but it never worked out. :( I’ve been off of my Prozac since August now and was doing SO WELL, until the last few weeks :/ I’ve had some flare ups with anxiety symptoms. I jump from one symptom to another! It definitely ruined my drive, and it still hasn’t come anywhere near back even being off of it. I hate it.

03-01-21, 01:52
I’m thinking more and more that this could stem from holding my breath! Especially when I’m checking my pulse (huge no-no, I know) to make sure it’s beating ok. :( I constantly
Finding myself holding my breath. My stomach is always tense, ugh.

03-01-21, 03:18
Yeah, that's a NoNo... you gotta cut that stuff out :lac:

Have you spoken to Ian (panic_down_under) in the meds section about your dosage? He usually can tell you what ideas you can talk about with your doctor.

03-01-21, 20:34
I’m thinking more and more that this could stem from holding my breath! Especially when I’m checking my pulse (huge no-no, I know) to make sure it’s beating ok. :( I constantly
Finding myself holding my breath. My stomach is always tense, ugh.

I do this all the time and its miserable. I hope you get it under control and feel better soon.

Captain irrational
03-01-21, 23:14
I think I have been having almost exactly the same thing for the past few days too. Head suddeny feels dizzy and spaced out (though doesn't seem to affect balance), almost a 'heavy' sensation all around the top half of the skull, then it goes after few minutes? I don't notice it either when I am doing something more physical, I only notice it when I'm sitting at the computer or watching TV.

I'm fairly certain it's caused by muscle tension and nothing more sinister (I went though a bout of daily tension headaches a few weeks back too). Seems to be a very common symptom of anxiety and stress. I have been quite stressed out this week due to personal matters and 2020 in general has certainly taken it's toll on my mind, so it's understandable that some of that is going to manifest into weird physical symptoms. Best bet is, when you feel the symptoms coming, get up and do something else.

03-01-21, 23:41
I do this all the time and its miserable. I hope you get it under control and feel better soon.

I hate that we’re suffering with this, but I’m happy I’m not one of the only ones... that always scares me when you can’t relate with others on symptoms! I’ve been trying to be better, but I’m still SO focused on my breathing and yikes. I’m going to do a breathing exercise shortly, but I think this is going to be around on and off until I get more busy (darn covid).

03-01-21, 23:44
I think I have been having almost exactly the same thing for the past few days too. Head suddeny feels dizzy and spaced out (though doesn't seem to affect balance), almost a 'heavy' sensation all around the top half of the skull, then it goes after few minutes? I don't notice it either when I am doing something more physical, I only notice it when I'm sitting at the computer or watching TV.

I'm fairly certain it's caused by muscle tension and nothing more sinister (I went though a bout of daily tension headaches a few weeks back too). Seems to be a very common symptom of anxiety and stress. I have been quite stressed out this week due to personal matters and 2020 in general has certainly taken it's toll on my mind, so it's understandable that some of that is going to manifest into weird physical symptoms. Best bet is, when you feel the symptoms coming, get up and do something else.

Ugh, I’m so sorry you’re also dealing with this!!! But I’m so glad we have each other to lean on if needed, to relate to one another. This symptom is just beyond annoying and sometimes very frightening.
My anxiety has been making an appearance on and off again this past month, so I’m not shocked this symptom is happening to be honest, especially with my holding my breath so much, and just not
Breathing properly in general!

I 100% notice it more when I’m sitting here and watching TV, like today! It’s been awful today. But yesterday was much better because I was actually out doing things!

I hope 2021 starts getting better for us soon. ❤️

Captain irrational
04-01-21, 01:37
Ugh, I’m so sorry you’re also dealing with this!!! But I’m so glad we have each other to lean on if needed, to relate to one another. This symptom is just beyond annoying and sometimes very frightening.
My anxiety has been making an appearance on and off again this past month, so I’m not shocked this symptom is happening to be honest, especially with my holding my breath so much, and just not
Breathing properly in general!

I 100% notice it more when I’m sitting here and watching TV, like today! It’s been awful today. But yesterday was much better because I was actually out doing things!

I hope 2021 starts getting better for us soon. ❤️

Yep, it's no fun. That's always the trouble with anxiety. It's too easy to pick up on the slightest feeling or twinge, little sensations you probably have all the time that ordinarily go totally unnoticed, but the hyper-vigilant anxious mind will zone in on it and magnify into something far bigger than it actually is. Before you know it your brain is leaping to the worst case scenarios and the resulting muscle tension just makes the sensation even more pronounced, and the vicious cycle continues.

In my own experience distraction is often the best cure when I have been stuck in that cycle. In the past I used to just try to rationalise all the anxious and intrusive thoughts away, but all that did was leave me feeling exhausted and all the symptoms and anxious thoughts would just come back even stronger. No point engaging in a civil war inside your own brain, it's futile anyway because the anxious side of the brain will always win the argument, and I truly believe that engaging with anxious and intrusive thoughts like that only indulges them and increases their power over you, metaphorically speaking. So now I just let it all chatter it's nonsense in the back of my head and try to ignore it while I get busy with something else. It's not easy and it takes time, but if you stick at you'll notice the intrusive thoughts will gradually start to lose their hold over you and sooner or later you'll suddenly realise "oh, I not feeling that symptom anymore".

Hope you feel better soon.

04-01-21, 02:58
I get this often. It can happen due to increased heart rate or hyperventilation, both caused by anxiety.

05-01-21, 09:12
Might want to get a smart watch for that heart rate monitoring. Though at 25 honestly, it's probably always going to show normal readings.
Dizzy/faint hits me at times and randomly. Annoying especially while driving.
LBP also can cause such spells so blood work may be good :D.