View Full Version : Ibc worries.

02-01-21, 05:13
I posted about a month ago about a boil or pimple that wouldn’t go away. It’s stated to heal and was getting better. But now it’s back. I’m not sure if it’s in exactly the same place but it’s very very close.

It’s been there for over 3 months. I googled for advice and ibc keeps coming up or skin cancer. I’m so scared if it was a pimple why would it take so long to heal. If it was a boil it should be gone by now. The covid thing makes getting a drs app near impossible but the worry is killing me. Would a boil or pimple keep coming back in the same place.

02-01-21, 06:57
IBC doesn't present as a pimple or boil, by definition it covers over a third of the breast. It also progresses fast. Hope this helps!

02-01-21, 07:01
It definitely doesn’t cover a third of the breast but I read it can start as a bug bite looking thing. Also why would it keep getting better then coming back.

02-01-21, 07:05
Not a dermatologist, obviously, but I have a few spots on my breast that often get boils.

02-01-21, 07:13
Do they last three months or longer or come back in the same area.

Thank you for replying. Having a panic attack and need reassurance.

02-01-21, 07:28
I don't track how long they last, but I'm pretty sure I've had purple marks that have taken a couple of months to fade afterwards. I'm definitely more prone to them in certain areas, which I'm guessing relates to areas that either sweat more or where my bra fits in a certain way.

Word of advice: focus on dealing with the panic, not the breast thing. Your body is always going to be doing weird stuff, and the older you get the weirder it's going to be. Now is a great time to train yourself to respond proportionately to these things.

02-01-21, 07:30
I’m currently withdrawing off medication and the withdrawals have been nasty. I’ve def sweated more. So possibly a reason. I’ve had them before I think but never lasted this long and start to heal then come back.

I do need to deal with my health anxiety and general anxiety but the waiting lists are so long. I’m trying all the techniques I know but with no luck yet.

02-01-21, 07:40
What techniques are you using right now?

02-01-21, 07:43
Breathing techniques I’ve been taught. Trying to distract my mind. Trying to talk myself down. Trying to talk to people but everyone is asleep. Sipping a glass of water. No googling any more. I wish it wasn’t the weekend. I wish I wasn’t like this.

02-01-21, 08:25
I really do feel for you, that sounds incredibly tough. I promise it'll get easier, though, and you can message me any time you want.

02-01-21, 08:33
Thank you that’s very kind. I’m dreading Monday because I hate speaking to drs but I also can’t wait because I hope they will be able to give me some cream or summit. Google is very useful but also very bad.

02-01-21, 17:02
Hi I don’t know how to message you but I thought I would let you know that dr did a video phone call with me abs she thinks it’s a breast abscess. Got antibiotics a cream and got to use warm compresses and use dry dressings.

02-01-21, 18:28
So glad you've been able to find some peace of mind.