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View Full Version : breakdown - too many sympton

02-01-21, 13:13
Hi - Im a new member, but i have suffered with stress and anxiety all my life, now i have reached a bit of a breaking point! not sure if its winter, pandemic, stress, anxiety or brain disease its gotten so bad now im just a nervous mess and dont know what to do !!!!

guess sharing on hear i might get people who have had similar

- my major problem is i really worry im slurring my words, im getting all muddle up when speak and just dont want to speak with people of the moment, my mouth and tongue feels all weird
- Im also really struggling with hand coordination, even typing i really have to concentrate and i still press the wrong keys- really hard as i work with a computer all day its horrible !!!!!
- i have a strange sensations in my hands like they feel like rubber and they feel weak
- My eyes are playing up going from ok to blurry through the day
- I generally feel an absolute nervous wreak, unable to move properly or speak, i have notice the speech over the last few months now im noticing coordination problems and wondering what happening to me - i had a breakdown about 10 years ago and was diagnosed with depression - but this time it really feels different

as we all know there so much stress and anxiety around right now, and im wondering if this is just the stress catching up with me or if anyone has this or experienced it the past

03-01-21, 12:14
I just wanted to say you aren’t alone I feel exactly the same way as you, I feel like I can’t get my words out properly like it’s an effort and when I do they don’t sound right, I feel like I’m not actually there my co-ordination is all out of sink, I’m actually at times scared to walk incase I fall over which is stupid, my head feels heavy and I am so stressed about it which I know is making things so much worse, I am so tense and anxious it’s unreal x

03-01-21, 16:44
thank you for responding, really struggling today with new symptons i feel im waking funny now arrrgggh its driving my mad !! just want to feel better getting me so low