View Full Version : Chest Anxiety

02-01-21, 20:16

Something I haven’t experienced before but I think it’s due to covid anxiety. I have slight pains (come and go) in my upper chest and feels like my chest is tight. If I do deep breathing there is no pain inhaling or exhaling which I am assuming is a good sign and this is down to anxiety. I did some exercise this morning and felt ok. Thing is I can’t shake this off or stop thinking about it. I’ve tried the breathing techniques. Any tips or advice?


06-01-21, 00:14
Good morning,

It’s such an annoying symptom isn’t it! I can have this for days or weeks on end and then nothing for months. Think it’s all to do with overthinking and possibly a slight subconscious tightening of the chest muscles. I have it right now if it helps, just nipped downstairs to make a herbal tea and having a read of Twitter to help distract myself.

I think, as overused as this advice is, the best method is distraction. Try to immerse yourself in an absorbing task.

All the best,
