View Full Version : What is your blood pressure?

02-11-07, 20:45
I thought since this is my biggest obsession I would ask others and see where I fit in with mine.
On meds mine is usually under 110/70 but goes up at times.

02-11-07, 20:56
That is a perfect blood pressure reading

Mine is higher and I am on medication for it.

02-11-07, 21:34
Hi Alison

My blood pressure flucuates, my highest reading been 152/97 while my lowest is around 110/63, im not taking meds as my high readings are always when i am understress e.g visiting the doctors surgery, my lowest reading was taken at home.


04-11-07, 04:31
My blood pressure on meds is usually around 130/80 at home, but alot higher at the docs and when I'm not on meds. I'm having problems with the side effects of meds, can't seem to find anything that doesn't give me side effects. Haven't tried everything yet, but lots of things give me side effects, so I may have to live with it.
110/70 is fine, do you really need the meds?

04-11-07, 04:42
I am not really sure if I still need the meds. I was on 4 and am now on 2. It was high blood pressure that I developed postpartum so we arent 100% sure if it is going to go away or not. It was in the 200/100 after I had my baby.

Thanks for those who answered.

04-11-07, 18:12
mine is usually 115/65 - quite low apparently but it has been higher at times. i think "normal" is 120/80?

04-11-07, 18:38
Mine is the same as catttt and honeybee3939 - I even bought a monitor to use at home (cos I get all unecessary at the surgery) but the novelty soon wore off and now I hardly ever bother with it.

Yours sounds just grand!!!:yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

04-11-07, 18:46
My reading was 170/100 two weeks ago when the GP's nurse took it. I was supposed to go back and get it read again a few days later but I haven't yet. I suppose I had better. I know my GP will strap that 24 hour BP monitor on me though! I take 50mg atenolol daily. I was giving diuretics but how can ANYONE take them? I lived on the loo for a week! I am very blase about physical problems. I just want to sort out the ones between my ears!


04-11-07, 19:47
once (last year ) I took mine and it said

89/55 :ohmy: , and it was stange cos I was really really dizzy.

But usually its around 112/70 , which is good , but just lately its risen to

120/85 , dont know why ?


04-11-07, 23:05
Since my op i get really obsessed with my blood pressure. I do take it too often and my councellor has said that i am allowed to take it once a day only, at night just before bed. But i must admit, and i have told her this, that if i feel funny then i do take it just to be sure.
Mine is usually fine and on occasions it has been up. But i worry more i think when it is low. My ears are terrible and i get all sorts going on, buzzing and ringing etc, so when they start really bad i get panicky as this is what happened to me on the operating table and i feel like i am going to pass out, so i take my bp for reassurance. I know i shouldn't do.
I have got really scared with my bp, the lowest it has ever been was 98/51 and i got so freaked out by it i was in a sweat and a panic and everything. I worried about it non stop for two weeks. I did it again straight after and it was 100/61 so that didn't help much either.
I took it earlier and it was 104/61 and i was just sitting quite relaxed, but my ears are bad today. But that bp is ok, i am fine with that, it is when it goes down to the 50's that i panic with it.x

05-11-07, 14:13

But usually its around 112/70 , which is good , but just lately its risen to

120/85 , dont know why ?


That's nothing to worry about Mirry, bp can vary that much in a day or even within a few minutes. Our bp rarely stays exactly the same, it can vary quite alot even within one hour sometimes and that is totally normal. If you do three readings you will find often you get three different results, so it's not unusual at all. The overall trend is what matters and yours looks nice and healthy.

Lisa x

Ma Larkin
05-11-07, 14:57
I have been having my blood pressure checked for the past 6 months. On average it has been 160/100, which is raised. My usual GP sent me for an ECG a month ago and told me to go back and see him. I went last Thursday but he was on holiday so I saw the other practice GP and he told me not to worry at all. He said that I was low risk for any heart disease/cardiovascular problems (I'm 41), and advised me to stop smoking. He didn't even take my blood pressure and said he didn't want to start prescribing me blood pressure tablets for no reason. Apparently, anxiety sufferers who are on meds do tend to have raised blood pressure, mine has been raised like I said for 6 months. I was also diagnosed with an underactive thyroid last month through routine blood tests so am hoping that my body will even itself out now. I take 50mg Clomipramine as well as my levothyroxine and the odd diazepam when I am really anxious. However, I know that my blood pressure is raised because my arms start tingling, but if my GP says don't worry then that's what I'm going to do, not worry! (Hopefully!!)


05-11-07, 17:12
Ironic I am reading this today. I had an anxiety attack all day (not panic, just high physical anxiety symptoms) and like the muppet I am I took my BP with the gadget I use more than any other, no not the fridge, my BP monitor.

165/85, heart rate 61bpm. One of these days I will learn.


05-11-07, 22:35
mine is around 140/85 with a pulse rate of 60-70 bpm

05-11-07, 23:02
The average blood pressure should read between 120/80 with 20mmols above or below each amount. There is no normal level as it can differ for different people for different reasons, such as, age and if they smoke.

So looking mainly at the figure on the top it should be between 100-140. The figure on the bottom should be between roughly, 65-100.

Pulse should be between 60-100 beats per minute.

Trust me I am a nurse and i reasure people about this everyday.