View Full Version : Stupid Thoughts?

02-11-07, 20:48
Do you get stupid thoughts? I;m not talking about scary thoughts because these thoughts don't scare me as such, but the do drive me to the point where I think I must be going crazy, This is an example, We were in the car this eveing going to my parents house, I was sitting thinking about my parents, some how the train of thought worked its way round to thinking my mother was in the back seat, Sure I knew she wasn't there but it felt like she was type of thing. This is the type of weird $hit I have to put up with.

One thing I also have noticed alcohol make these thoughts alot worse, I can remember one time when drunk, sitting talking to a friend, the only problem was he wasn't there http://bbs.stresscenter.com/groupee_common/emoticons/icon_confused.gif I was by myself, my friend had left a few hours prior to this.

Or theres this classic thought, your is a packed shop, you get a stupid thought to jump around like a mad man and yell at the top of your voice.

As I say these thoughts aren't scary but they do scare me as they aren't normal, and the scare me that I might be going mad

Stefan P
03-11-07, 12:45
I know exactly what you mean!

I got this absurd thought picture of myself chasing my son around the house with a knife the other day - when I was feeling particularly low. It scared the living daylights out of me, I would never EVER hurt him in any way - it was a stupid picture that entered my head completely unbidden when I was actually thinking about something completely different. I have no idea where the picture came from. Found it pretty terrifying though as over the next day it just kept on popping into my head

Found a way to deal with it though - first of all when the thought came into my head unwanted I would consciously place the knife in his hand and he could chase me around (laughing I must add), and once that had replaced the original, I turned the knife into a toy lightsabre. Now the thought keeps popping into my head of being chased around by a laughing child trying to hit me with a toy lightsabre - which is exactly what happens in real life :D

I think all I did was reprogram the ridiculous and scaring thought into something that was much more pleasurable to think about .. not sure if that helps!

03-11-07, 13:33
I posted a thread about my thoughts a while ago and lots of poeple have them and its anxiety that causes all these thoughts, believe me you are not going mad. Try not to let the thoughts scare you as they feed on anxiety.Hope you feel better soon.

03-11-07, 13:43
I have these sort of thoughts a lot. Most recently, I was in company and I began to picture throwing a cushion at one of the women there, for no reason whatsoever. The problem is I then wanted to laugh so much that the trying not to becomes really difficult. I do things like that a lot.

The past few days, I have been picturing my pc in a completely different place from what it is or ever has been, giving rise to a disorientation feeling.

I also have very violent ones towards myself or to others and they scare the living daylights out of me. They come sometimes as part of anger, but at others completely out of nowhere. I was told a while back that this is often where OCD comes in as it can get hard to believe that such thoughts are just that, thoughts. I really believed for a while that I was evil or I was going to kill one of my children because of these thoughts. CBT is a good way to help put the thoughts into context.


04-11-07, 15:31
I get these thoughts too. I quite often want to shout in really quiet places.
Also get a huge urge to bash people out of the way in Supermarkets.

Glad its not just me
