View Full Version : Reoccurring Mouth Ulcers!!

04-01-21, 02:08
Hello everyone,

So the past month or so, I have got a number of mouth ulcers. I had one three weeks ago and it healed. Now I have one and another one forming right next to it.

Does anyone else get these during the holidays? I don’t know if they are the results of stress or a nutrient deficiency but they are painful nonetheless. Ugh

04-01-21, 11:13
Me ! I have had 2 at any one time for the last 4 weeks, I usually only get them occassionally but they have been endless recently. I commented to someone about it only yesterday. I am putting mine down to stress, as I had a major family bereavement and am tied up each and everyday with 'sorting' and dealing with other family members etc. I think when we are anxious it changes how we eat, the dryness of our mouths and assorted mouth related things, so thats what I'm putting it down to.

04-01-21, 16:59
They are very painful. In the past month, I’ve had a funeral to go to and Christmas and birthday stuff so I am probably run down. I hope I get over this soon as I can’t eat a lot because of the pain!