View Full Version : Anyone Else? Feel Like I'm Losing My Mind...

04-01-21, 02:52
Does anyone else ever have health anxiety just about their health in general, but never about one specific disease? Currently I am just scared that there is something wrong with me but I'm not obsessing about a single illness.

This seems to happen to me often, especially just after I've gotten over a significant health fear. Seems like my brain is so used to being anxious that I feel like I need to come up with a fear so that things can go back to "normal".

04-01-21, 14:11
I primarily have social anxiety, however, I do have health anxiety as well, and its pretty much the same as yourself - not so much worry over anything specific but when I do feel unwell, I can spiral myself into worry that is more. Last year around October I experience a mild psychotic break and it took me months (still not full recovered) to find balance again. As you say, though, it does seem to happen when we just start to resolve one fear only to begin to replace it with something else. I'm sorry I don't really have much in the way of advice for you, but I (certainly) understand when you're coming from. Take good care :)