View Full Version : nothing important

02-11-07, 22:14
hey evryone, i know it isnt big, but... i managed to survive through today.
Nothing big happened im just finding it hard to get through each day. meh i suck. sorry this is lame

02-11-07, 22:16

When your having a hard time surviving each day is a big achievement and you should be very proud of how well you do.

:hugs: :hugs:


Trac xxxx

02-11-07, 22:32
Hello Jitterbug,

Glade to hear that you are having a good day. Keep up the good work hun. An yes, it's hard work, but you can do it.

Take Care
I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

02-11-07, 22:41
When you feel low each day can seem like a huge mountain so coping with it is worth praise. Take each day as it comes and things will get easier.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Take care,

Mike :)

B happy
03-11-07, 13:53
keep doing that and you will be soon be who you want to be proud of you jitterbug
love to you sadly b:D

03-11-07, 13:58
Getting through a day can be enormous hard work sunshine. Be proud of yourself and recognise it for what it is. Another day:yesyes:

03-11-07, 15:31

Love Piglet :flowers:

03-11-07, 15:38
:yesyes: hey jitterbug, its definately important - you are not alone in this - and when you allow yourself credit for copingbetter with how you feel,you just keep getting better and better.i was feeling really really lowand someone onheredirected me to a site called uncommonknowledge where you can get advice and self-helpabout depression. they tell you about how important it is to give yourself credit for even the smallest thing -ihad to congratulate myself oneday for making a cottage pie because i felt that bad that i had to just be positive about one thing,to make the day seem worth the effort! everything else seemed so bad except that id achieved this, and i thought 'youknow, i can build on this'!!! and you can, they tell you to set yourself very small achievable goals because they give you the miotivation to keepgoing. anyway, keepgoing and it will get easier and better - well done:flowers:

03-11-07, 15:41
thanks guys you are so positive. xxx

Pink Princess
03-11-07, 19:24
hey sis, always here for you and you do brilliantly everyday just by being you:yesyes:

love and hugs xxxxxxxx

minnie xxxxxxxxxxx

03-11-07, 19:27
Hi Jitter

Hope your good days soon out-weigh the bad hun:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


04-11-07, 17:24
hi Jitter
Give yourself a pat on the back for getting through the bad days and I hope the good days will come again. Take care.

love Mags xxxx