View Full Version : too much dizziness and anxiety to cope

04-01-21, 21:23
i was doing really well with my anxiety but i completely relapsed a few days ago
i almost passed out in a store and since them i am so so worried that something is seriously wrong with me
i have a doctor appointment in a few days where we'll do a blood test to check my throid levels since they were too high last time but i am so terrified to go because the last time i had a blood test i also almost passed out and was lying on the floor until i felt better and now it's even worse with the masks. obviously i want to know if something's wrong because maybe this causes some of my symptoms but since i almost passed out at the store i have been so scared to go into stores etc again.
had to take the bus yesterday and i had a panic attack. didn't get off earlier though since i was sitting down and thought it would only make it worse if i went out in the middle of nowhere but since then i only take some short walks every other day if i feel strong enough to
i haven't been able to really get my mind off of all these negativ thoughs and i have tried meditating (which helps but only as long as i'm hearing it), tried some simple stretching, taking a walk, listening to music, texting friends, watching movies etc. but it's hard to concentrate and feel okay when i always feel weak and dizzy
has anyone some experience with this and can help?

04-02-21, 17:42
Hey there, I don't know if you'll check back and see this reply, but you sound similar to me after I almost passed out last year! Just curious what do you mean by 'almost passed out'? What was your experience?
Interestingly I have been dealing dizziness since then. I felt like I was dealing with it, but then I had another stressful health related thing in Jan, and since then my dizziness has been worse! (totally different as this was just to do with my hand so I'm sure dizziness was not related!) Perhaps extra stress made my dizzy symptoms worse? I don't know, but like you I am fighting the worry about it!
Can I also ask what your dizziness is like?
I hope you're feeling better since your post but do reply if you read this! Sounds like you were using some good distraction techniques. I am trying to focus on other things too and imagine the best instead of the worst (takes some practice!) I am also practicing prayer and giving my worries to God (I am a Christian) which certainly helps!

05-02-21, 01:02
I have dizziness too, difficult to describe as not like vertigo but like a feeling I will be dizzy out an momentarily of balance and light headed. Everytime it happens I think I will collapse and die right there or I freak out thinking it will escalate to a vertigo feeling. It's horrible and I find it really difficult to deal with.