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View Full Version : Stomach inflammation (gastritis)

04-01-21, 21:56
Has anyone else ever been officially diagnosed with gastritis? (Based on endoscopy). I was diagnosed 10 yrs ago but my h. Pylori test was negative. I took a course of omeprazole and that was that. Since the gastritis didn’t cause symptoms in the first place I really don’t know if it ever went away or if it’s been chronic.

Well, fast forward to now, and I’ve been getting regular heartburn over the past year. My fear is that I have had inflammation all along and now it’s progressed to stomach cancer and it’s too late to do anything about it. I’m scared to death of leaving my kids behind.

In the meantime I emailed my GI doctor. I’m sure I’ll need an endoscopy sometime soon and I’m scared to death what it will show. Has anyone else dealt with chronic, long-term gastritis and been ok?

I hate this feeling. :(

05-01-21, 05:11
I haven't been officially diagnosed but I just thought I'd reply to let you know I'm going through the same thing and last time I talked to my doc she mentioned possibly doing an endoscopy which makes me super nervous. However, a good friend of mine told me she had one and told me how it was, so that made me feel better.

I have also been dealing with all sorts of stomach problems this past year, probably made worse by stress and anxiety. And actually I recently saw this article about "pandemic stomach" (stomach problems due to the stress of the pandemic and everything going on) and the scarcity of antacids now (ugh lol) https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/08/business/virus-tums-pepcid-hard-to-find.html

I have gone through the worry of stomach cancer but what makes me feel better is knowing that is probably the least likely and most rare cause. Heartburn is very common, and I do know a lot of people live with chronic gastritis.

Sorry if this isn't much help, but just know you're not alone! It's good you contacted your doctor :)

05-01-21, 13:48
Thank you so much. I really appreciate your reply. I hope your stomach troubles improve as well.

I haven't been officially diagnosed but I just thought I'd reply to let you know I'm going through the same thing and last time I talked to my doc she mentioned possibly doing an endoscopy which makes me super nervous. However, a good friend of mine told me she had one and told me how it was, so that made me feel better.

I have also been dealing with all sorts of stomach problems this past year, probably made worse by stress and anxiety. And actually I recently saw this article about "pandemic stomach" (stomach problems due to the stress of the pandemic and everything going on) and the scarcity of antacids now (ugh lol) https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/08/business/virus-tums-pepcid-hard-to-find.html

I have gone through the worry of stomach cancer but what makes me feel better is knowing that is probably the least likely and most rare cause. Heartburn is very common, and I do know a lot of people live with chronic gastritis.

Sorry if this isn't much help, but just know you're not alone! It's good you contacted your doctor :)