View Full Version : Worried bout constant headaches

Anx bev
05-01-21, 10:44
Been getting constant severe headaches for about a week now mainly at back of my head😢 my neck feels stiff and hurts too. Saturday was soo bad I rung 999 they did ct scan it come back normal I don稚 know what these headaches are there scaring me 😢

bin tenn
05-01-21, 13:29
Tension headaches, perhaps? I get these often. I just take Excedrin or other OTC headache relief as needed, and try to lightly stretch. That usually helps.

Anx bev
05-01-21, 13:32
Tension headaches, perhaps? I get these often. I just take Excedrin or other OTC headache relief as needed, and try to lightly stretch. That usually helps.

Does it sound like tension in back of head feels like pains in neck too neck feels stiff

bin tenn
05-01-21, 15:17
That's what causes it for me. Stiff neck, back of head aches, etc.

Anx bev
05-01-21, 18:12
That's what causes it for me. Stiff neck, back of head aches, etc.what helps your headache

bin tenn
06-01-21, 00:02
what helps your headache

Excedrin or other OTC headache relief medication. Sometimes drinking a lot of water helps. Getting good sleep definitely helps, too.

06-01-21, 07:50
Been getting constant severe headaches for about a week now mainly at back of my head my neck feels stiff and hurts too. Saturday was soo bad I rung 999 they did ct scan it come back normal I don’t know what these headaches are there scaring me 

Sounds like tension headache. Do you clench your jaw a lot perchance?

Look up Donna Eden 'Classic - Healing a tension headache' on YouTube. Donna suffers from severe happiness but the woman knows her shit when it comes to meridians and shizzle. This video will show you which points to massage to get rid of a tension headache.

I also keep a biro in my bedside cabinet and stick it in the gap between my thumb and index finger - this 'magically' takes pain away, and sometimes this is enough to ward off a headache.

Anx bev
06-01-21, 19:23
Sounds like tension headache. Do you clench your jaw a lot perchance?

Look up Donna Eden 'Classic - Healing a tension headache' on YouTube. Donna suffers from severe happiness but the woman knows her shit when it comes to meridians and shizzle. This video will show you which points to massage to get rid of a tension headache.

I also keep a biro in my bedside cabinet and stick it in the gap between my thumb and index finger - this 'magically' takes pain away, and sometimes this is enough to ward off a headache.someone please help I知 really stressing out still got stiff neck and headache had ct on sat surely if something was wrong would of been picked up I知 really scared

bin tenn
06-01-21, 20:57
someone please help I知 really stressing out still got stiff neck and headache had ct on sat surely if something was wrong would of been picked up I知 really scared

Have you tried taking something for tension/headache relief?

Anx bev
06-01-21, 21:37
Have you tried taking something for tension/headache relief?yea have taken painkillers hasent done a lot 😢

06-01-21, 22:29
Did you have a previous login on here? You sound familiar.

06-01-21, 22:33
Did you have a previous login on here? You sound familiar.

You noticed that too? :winks:


07-01-21, 08:00
someone please help I知 really stressing out still got stiff neck and headache had ct on sat surely if something was wrong would of been picked up I知 really scared

Totally ignore people's advice. Ignore the RECENT clear CT scan - which would pick up a brain nasty FOR SURE. Give HA my regards.

Anx bev
07-01-21, 09:46
Totally ignore people's advice. Ignore the RECENT clear CT scan - which would pick up a brain nasty FOR SURE. Give HA my regards.would it have picked anything nasty up I知 worried sick woke up in pain again 😢

07-01-21, 09:47
It's just a headache, sometimes they last forever. Drink plenty of water and try and sort out your sleep schedule.

Anx bev
16-01-21, 19:57
It's just a headache, sometimes they last forever. Drink plenty of water and try and sort out your sleep schedule.been back in hospital again with these nasty headaches dr reasons migraines not slot helping at mo 😢

16-01-21, 20:32
And they said?.....