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02-11-07, 22:52
This will sound really silly but long time ago i read a dream dictionery that said if you dream about rats or snakes attacking you its because you have cancer - if you defeat them you have defeated the cancer in your body but if they get to attack you then the cancer is attacking you and that if you dream of midwives at a birth you will get a life threatening illness.

I would like to know how many people have dreamt the above and are still here without cancer or life threatening illness as I know its stupid but everytime I dream of any of the above it freaks me out.

02-11-07, 23:21
Hi Country Girl

My mother as one of those dream books, and you know we have more light hearted humour over it, everytime anyone in the family as a weired dream my mum looks it up and tell us the out-come. Well let me tell you, my mum as had that book over 10 years and nothing its stated would happen as happened. Im my honest opinion i think its a load of rubbish, just another way for someone to sell books and make money.

Try and forget about what you read in the dream book hun and move on.:)
Love and hugs to you too


03-11-07, 05:10
I once read that if you dream of snakes it is really a dream about sex!
Anyway - about 3 or 4 years ago I dreamt of a snake attacking me and Im fine (sex life is still a shambles though!:blush: ).
Dont think about it anymore hun, it probably just means your afraid of snakes.

03-11-07, 16:00
Hi hun :hugs:

The mind is a very powerfull things and is open to all sugestiions. We read things and think, mmm is that possible.

There are many, many people out there who play on the power of the mind, they know just how powerfull it is, they make money off it. They know that some people are looking for answers. Dream books are just one of many books out there that clame to have the answer you are looking for. BUT, they don't, there only dreams, they may have a meaning, most dreams that involve, fighting with something, means we have probs in our life that we need to address.

How can a dream tell you, you have cancer, or prodict the future, thats imposslbe.

There are many people out there who have a fear of snakes, my hubby is one of them, seeing a snake may trigger him dreaming about them. He does not have cancer.

You need to try and let this thought go, its like me saying to you, ohh don't think of a red house, whats the first thing that pops into your head, oopppss a red house, now add a lot of negative with this statment, if you think of a red house something terrible will happen, ooppsss again, the red house keeps popping into your head.

You have given yourself something to fear by reading this book, you say if you dream anything like this it freaks you out, by YOU putting this fear there, this is fueling anxiaty, this book has suggested something which you fear,( snakes or cancer) your mind will pick up on this while you asleep.

You need to know that these types of books are rubbish, they no nothing. I bet it never said anywhere in that book, if you dream of ??? you will win lots of money,as I said, its like they prodict the future, now we all know, thats impossible.

I know its dame hard for you hun, but you must try and change your thought pattens on these dreams. Dreams are just our minds way of trying to sort things out.

You take care :hugs:


03-11-07, 20:54
thanks everyone I realise the book was rubbish but you all know what we are like if anything relates to health then we remember it for years afterwards!

Did have a giggle about the snakes and sex life - thanks