View Full Version : Another worry to add to the list

06-01-21, 14:35
So now I have a new symptom - patches of itchy eczema (as diagnosed by the doc) which haven’t gone away with the application of his prescribed cream Betnovate RD, and indeed new patches are appearing. They are not too severe (having seen some of the horror pictures on the internet) but they are annoying and worse when I get hot. I’ve had them for a while and I think initially I got bitten on my wrist and had a bad allergic reaction but how that then triggered eczema elsewhere is a mystery. I’ve been taking an antihistamine at night as I found that helps it die down and fade a bit overnight only for it to flare up again during the course of the day. I thought it must be a stress thing (as I’m quite old, 64, to get this for the first time) and I am finding lockdown and isolation hard as I live alone and don’t get to see anyone other than a brief chat with another dogwalker at the park in the morning.

Then HA kicked in and I started to think it was another manifestation of Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease, which I mentioned in a previous post I only discovered I had by accident whilst talking on the phone to my doctor about something else. My skin has been very dry for some months. I probably don’t drink enough but I’m not usually thirsty and if I make a conscious effort to drink more water, I literally just pee it out again. I don’t drink alcohol. I’m tired all the time, feel like I could sleep all day but then have trouble getting enough hours at night, probably because I’m worrying. I have neuropathy in my feet which bothers me a lot. The more I focus on these things, the worse I feel but to be honest I’m so fed up with my own company I can’t concentrate on the usual distractions like music, reading or tv.

My doctor just dismisses all these things as unimportant or part of ageing - he will only deal with one symptom per consultation so it’s not surprising - but I put them all together and fear my imminent demise. He also tells me that there’s nothing to be done about them.

My only option is to knock my anxiety on the head and accept it all but I’m further away than ever from being able to do that. Sorry to vent but the prospect of soldiering on like this till late spring is totally depressing. Anynone got any ideas?

06-01-21, 18:01
You could try a different cream? Also try and buy products that are soap free to wash with.
I recommend oilatum and double base. I use oilatum and E45 itch cream on my daughters excema.
On my contact dermatitis- that goes up my wrists from all this hand washing - I use Vaseline intensive care and cetraben- I really recommend both.

Once you’ve got the excema under control it may help with the anxiety.

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06-01-21, 18:45
You could try a different cream? Also try and buy products that are soap free to wash with.
I recommend oilatum and double base. I use oilatum and E45 itch cream on my daughters excema.
On my contact dermatitis- that goes up my wrists from all this hand washing - I use Vaseline intensive care and cetraben- I really recommend both.

Once you’ve got the excema under control it may help with the anxiety.

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Thanks, I’ve been using cetraben to moisturise, I will try the E45 itch cream and see if that helps. Can anxiety about it make it worse do you think?