View Full Version : last resort is to go to bupa own gp is useless

miss motown
02-11-07, 23:01
Welltoday Was The Last Straw For Me Ive Suffered For Soooo Many Years With Different Symptoms Especially The Fear Of Heart Attack That Ive Decided To Go Along To Bupa I Picked Up The Phone And Made An Appointment Its Not Till The 19th December But I Can Wait.anyway Im Booked In For An Indepth Health Assesment She Said They Run Lots Of Tests Like Heart Trace A Mamagram A Colestal Test A Smear Body Mass Eye Test And Hearing And So Much More I No Its Alot To Pay Out At £360 But If Its Goina Give Me The Peace Of Mind Im Goina Have To Go For It Has Anybody Else Had This Done Before By Bupa Im Abit Peed Off As The Phone Has Rang A Few Times Today Someone From Bupa Wanting To Give Me Health Insurance Jesus I Only Want A Health Check And It Seems There Wanting More Money From Me Already Grrrrrrr I Guess Theyll Be Like This When I Go For These Tests Wont They Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

02-11-07, 23:07

Not me personally but my brother has health checks done by Bupa all the time - something to do with his work - they pay for it!

He said he was nervous when he first went but said they are very thorough and talk lots through with you.

I have health anx and would be very nervous of going - fear of all the bad things he could tell me :wacko: but guess its a good idea to get checked out and put your mind at rest

Made me chuckle though they told him it was fine to drink 20 cups of coffee a day??????????? strange advice lol

Good Luck with it



02-11-07, 23:17
I haven't had one done, but i have looked into it before. I am still considering it now.
Let us know how it goes when you have it :)

03-11-07, 00:14
Glad you can afford it!!!!

Best of luck!!!

Let us know how it goes

Luv Kaz x x xx

03-11-07, 11:16
My mum and dad both used to have regular BUPA Health Checks and were very happy with how thorough they were.

You can also just have specific tests done if there is just one thing that is worrying you. For example if someone is worried mainly about their heart for example you can get a letter from your GP and see a consultant cardiologist and get any tests done that you want to pay for.

They aren't cheap by any means, but quite honestly the state of the NHS and the reluctance of GP's to offer referrals for tests is usually so bad that it can be worth paying out money for peace of mind I think.

03-11-07, 12:49
What annoys me is , you have to have your gps approval , which I hate because they look at you like your mad.

03-11-07, 13:03
What annoys me is , you have to have your gps approval , which I hate because they look at you like your mad.

Yes it does seem a strange system I agree. If we want to go privately for tests then we should just be able to go! You don't need your GP's approval for the Health Assessments, but I think they do send a copy of their report to your GP.

03-11-07, 13:08
I had one of these done with BUPA and it was very good.

Mine was free through work and was an over 40 health check.

You even get a free breakfast whilst waiting between tests.

04-11-07, 23:02
although i can totally understand you doing this (i have tried to push my doctor for various scans because of my health anxiety and had no luck) my therapist said that my distrust of doctors might be the problem and unless i sorted that out, no amount of scans/tests etc would reassure me. i still am not sure about this because i myself feel the need for piece of mind but i also am trying to trust my doctor who by not referring me would be making a huge gamble unless they genuinely thought i wasn't seriously ill.

i decided to take the therapy route because i am constatly afraid and know that being examined only reassures me for a little while, then i find something else to worry about... so i've figured it's my mental state that's the problem.

i'm not saying you're not doing the right thing, i'm just trying to give you some food for thought as a fellow sufferer.

i hope it all goes well xxx

06-11-07, 09:15
thing is our distrust in doctors is usually brought about by bad experiances in the first place. for example , they told me when my son was covered in sores all over his body and laying in hospital that he needed cancer treatment to fight the immune system , all along I kept asking them , could food be doing this to him and they said NO , but I phoned up the allergy clinic at southampton hospital and they agreed to see him , then they found out it was all food related and gave him a powdered food and all the sores were gone !

Then lately , I had to push to get my ears checked cos I keep getting off balanced when walking, my gps told me it wasnt my ears for 5 years , so I get the tests done and GUESS WHAT my balance organs are low functioning:lac: .

So yes I believe you should push for what you want , doctors dont know everything , they are not specialists at all, so going to Bupa is good, but may offer you further tests if anything shows up, which you can go tru the NHS or private again.

When I went to bupa with my breast lump (6 years ago) they were fantastic with me and looked concerned , they did all the tests and spent ages with me , in the end they gave me the all clear and I felt so much better for it.

Miss motown , GO FOR IT :yesyes:

06-11-07, 12:09
I have heard of it and I know someone who did that who suffers ha. I went to Bupa after no look with my GP, I went to an ENT specialist and Im thinking of going back to see him very soon because my own GP is having none of it, thinks im making my sinus and ear pains up im sure, lol!

Good luck!!!

06-11-07, 21:56

What a fabulous idea!!

Cherry, could I be so cheeky to ask how much did it cost to see the ENT Doc?

Thanks xx

07-11-07, 10:36
Its a great idea if you feel it ill help you, on the other hand it still falls under the category of reassurance, and im sure that no matter who tells us we are ok we will only feel reassured for a little while. You need to just look after your body best you can and that way you know you are doing the best you can for your health and for your well bieng. i personally feel that all the reassurance in the world menas nothing if you dont look after yourself as thats what starts the chain reaction off, you feel guilty perhaps of something that you have done to yourself , like drink alot, not excersice not eat right, anything like that that makes you doubt your state of health. thats the thing then that makes you feel like you could be unhealthy and that then opens you up to feeling vulnerable again and panicky.

Like i say i dont think its a bad idea for yu to pay bupa for tests , get your peace of mind and then look after yourself. that way you know no matter what your body is in as good a position as it was when you got the all clear and that way you will feel better about your health and the way you feel.

hope this helps and i hope your tests go well..

Unfortunately thats the downside to an in depth test , what would you be like god forbid if they did find something ???

miss motown
12-11-07, 22:51
hi flinty yes i was thinking that my self and because my appointment is so near xmas i was only saying to my partner wot if they find something wrong wot a xmas it will turn out to be.but as my partner says its best to no than not to oh well ill have to wait and see but i am anxious about it awwwwwwww