View Full Version : 3 nosebleeds in 1 week, freaking out!

06-01-21, 18:29
I am 29 and have never dealt with nose bleeds (had a few when I was very little)

I have been dealing with head pressure and dizziness for a few months but last Wednesday at 4 am I had a nose bleed which terrified me. I’m very squeamish which doesn’t help. It stopped after about 20 minutes but was terrified to sleep. I thought it was a one off but at about 2am Tuesday I had another nose bleed.

I have just had another today (Wednesday) making it 3 in the space of one week. I made sure not to touch my nose since my last nose bleed and had just sat down to eat. I had just done some very light exercise at home. I’ve got a headache now too.

I am absolutely petrified now and have convinced myself I’ve got something wrong with my brain or some sort of cancer. I have never dealt with nose bleeds before so I’m really scared that this is happening out of the blue and after dealing with head pressure for a few months.

Has anyone had this happen to them?

06-01-21, 18:38
Nor sure what the weather is like where you are but if the air is dry it can make your sinuses very dry and that could be a reason for them. I never get actual nose bleeds but I frequently have blood when I blow my nose in the winter. If that's a possibility you can try that saline nasal gel with aloe to help moisturize.

06-01-21, 18:41
Thank you, it’s fairly dry in my home but it’s never affected me to cause nosebleeds before. I may get a humidifier to see if it helps and try the saline gel you suggested.

I have had blood when I blow my nose before in the winter like you said, but never these full on nose bleeds. They last about 20 minutes each time and are rather heavy.

Thank you for your suggestions. It may well be a sinus issue. I’m going to call my dr first thing tomorrow

06-01-21, 23:23
Just had nose bleed number 4! Just tried to eat some stew I’d cooked was fairly warm/hot not boiling tbh and my nose started bleeding instantly. I’ve had enough :( I’m absolutely petrified at this point.
Calling my dr first thing

07-01-21, 01:31
Let me know what you find out. I'll be thinking of you <3

07-01-21, 09:02
Let me know what you find out. I'll be thinking of you <3

Spoke to a dr this morning but my normal dr was on leave so they gave me a temporary dr who wasn’t very good. Quite annoyed tbh, they’ve given me some Cream with antibiotic in and said that’ll see me if it doesn’t stop in the next few weeks.

I said I had headaches too with it and pressure but didn’t feel I was listened to.

07-01-21, 18:38
Hey there,

Had to reply to this one as nosebleeds are such a nuisance to me!

Mine tend to come on with the changing of the seasons so I’ll have a week or two with maybe 5-10 nosebleeds when Autumn turns to winter. All to do with dry air but once you’ve had one that blood vessel is way, way weaker and will turn the taps on at the slightest thing. Steam from hot drinks, showers, you name it! Best thing is try not to worry.

Try ice on the back of neck, top of your nose and if you’re feeling brave the genitalia. Sounds weird but it really works, something to do with constricting blood vessels.

Oh, and I ALWAYS have the head pressure and dizziness with it too and I’ve been having this since I was young and I’m nearly 30 now with no issues at all so just one of those things sadly.

All the best!

08-01-21, 00:31
Hey there,

Had to reply to this one as nosebleeds are such a nuisance to me!

Mine tend to come on with the changing of the seasons so I’ll have a week or two with maybe 5-10 nosebleeds when Autumn turns to winter. All to do with dry air but once you’ve had one that blood vessel is way, way weaker and will turn the taps on at the slightest thing. Steam from hot drinks, showers, you name it! Best thing is try not to worry.

Try ice on the back of neck, top of your nose and if you’re feeling brave the genitalia. Sounds weird but it really works, something to do with constricting blood vessels.

Oh, and I ALWAYS have the head pressure and dizziness with it too and I’ve been having this since I was young and I’m nearly 30 now with no issues at all so just one of those things sadly.

All the best!

Thank you for replying. I’m sorry to hear that you deal with them. I’m so squeamish so even the thought of them makes me feel sick.

It came out of nowhere which worried me I’m just staying away from hot food and drinks for a while to see if I can heal it I’m praying it’s not something that just becomes a recurring thing!

I’ve bought a cool mist humidifier to make the air a little less dry in hopes that might help a bit!

Thank you for telling me not to worry I’ve been so anxious about it, thinking the worst. I just hope they ease off!

The head pressure is a nuisance I’ve had it with anxiety like you for a long time and am also just turning 30 I think I’ve just put all the symptoms together and scared myself!

12-01-21, 01:37
My older son had them for years, gushing, frequent.

Dr said it's a small blood vessel close to the surface of the skin once it breaks its extremely fragile for a few weeks.

Dr said put a little bit of Vaseline on a qtip and put it at the opening of both nostrils, the warmth of the skin and breathing will draw it up farther. Its very important to keep the blood vessel lubricated so that it can heal. If it bleeds, you start from day 1 again.

He had them for nothing, sitting there and it would start gushing. Scares the hell out of you. He's 31 now and he started with them when before he was in his teens.

12-01-21, 20:58
Hi Nancy thank you for replying and for your suggestion.

I’m so squeamish I even find it hard to write about.
The dr prescribed some antibiotic cream which I’m using 4 times a day for ten days.

I’m staying away from all hot/warm drinks and food for two weeks or so (the dr didn’t say to do this but it restarted twice while eating hot food and have read it can restart things so I’m trying to heal it in the next few weeks. I’m going to stay away from any exercise too.

So far so good no nose bleed since last Wednesday, so nearly a week.

I bought a cool mist humidifier to make sure the air is moist too hopefully all of this helps it!

13-01-21, 01:57
Just remember Eevie, it's really tender tissue in there until it completely heals it can bleed again easily. If it does that does not mean anything bad, just that the tender and not healed skin broke again.

That cream will serve the same purpose as the Vaseline. You're going to be ok 🙂