View Full Version : Brain tumour worries

07-01-21, 07:29
Hi! I’m a 20 year old female and I’ve been struggling with health anxiety since I was 16. I slowly learned how to control it but I unfortunately relapsed

I went to the ER regarding a bad migraine very red eyes, and shortness of breath. The doctors checked my blood no COVID and everything was perfect but thy told me I had a sinus infection! I followed up with my (new) family doctor. While he was interrupting me as I was describing what was going on he was like “hmm probably not a tumour or mono” and continued mumbling on. I froze and immediately started having a panic attack, he didn’t really let me get a word in. I keep trying to tell myself I’m okay and I’m healthy. Fast forward 2 days I feel so much better physically, but my eyes are still red and only have a little headache occasionally. But the fact that he mentioned a tumour is freaking me out

I know I’m rambling on tbh he made me feel stupid about talking about my symptoms..and the tumour comment freaked me out. I just need some reassurance or advice to get myself on track cause I’ve been losing sleep over this :/ (i also have no family history on brain tumours)

Thanks in advance
Jaz xx