View Full Version : Having a little Blip!

07-01-21, 18:23

As some of you know I am really trying to work on my HA at the moment and on the whole I have been a lot better. However, as we know these things don't get better overnight and whilst I have been a lot better than I was, I still find I'm having the odd off day where I start worrying again.

One of my main fears about my health is that I have the belief I have some form of blood disorder and as a result I've been completely avoiding blood tests! My GP knows this and is working with me on it and has said if at anypoint she felt my symptoms were concerning enough she would be insisting on blood tests. She has also said if with my therapy I manage to get to the point of wanting one she is happy to do this.

So the reason behind my worries are because I think when I cut myself I bleed easily and it's harder to stop. I should add in here that my Mum bruises like a peach, bleeds really easily and has it scrawled all over her dental notes that she bleeds easily. She also used to suffer from really heavy periods. I have followed a similar pattern with the heavy periods, brusing easily etc and my Son bruises easily and whilst having a blood test the other day it was good few minutes of sustained pressure to stop the bleeding after. Even the nurse commented on it saying "haven't you stopped yet". However, mum and son's blood tests have been fine and the GP said the likelihood is that we could have a mild clotting disorder but the types of things I've described aren't really concerning and numerous people have slight deficiencies in clotting factors but it will never cause them any harm.

So my off day is because I whacked my knuckle on the door frame earlier and it took off the top layer of skin. After a minute or so it started to bleed lightly so I dabbed it with a tissue and it stopped but as I bent my knuckle it started again. I'm not talking blood running out of the cut it was just sat on the surface. Anyway it wasn't actively bleeding but about half an hour later I pushed on it with a tissue (don't ask me why) and I noticed a couple of small spots of blood again on the tissue. This happened a couple of times after but it was only if I pressed on it with a tissue and then eventually it scabbed, without a plaster.

I have convinced myself on my off day that this signals a clotting issue. I am not googling it as I just wanted to get a second opinion. My husband laughs hysterically at me because he said that's not a clotting problem. In his words a clotting issue would mean the bleeding would be running down my hand and the reason that I get spots of blood when I push on it with a tissue is because it's healing and by me applying the pressure to it and then pulling the tissue off I'm disturbing the clot and scab that's trying to form.

I'm asking for another opinion because this has happened a couple of times over the last few months and I admit because I'm so obsessed with it if I cut or injure myself I don't just do what normal people would do and clean it and put on a plaster. I wait for the bleeding to stop on its own (with no pressure), if it doesn't stop then I'll apply some pressure for a minute or two but I then have an obsession with keep checking it. The last time I cut my finger and it stopped bleeding but then I squeezed it 20 minutes or so later and was convinced there was a problem as it started bleeding again.

At that point I was so irrational I was convinced something was wrong and wouldn't listen to my husband's reasoning that it was only bleeding because I was effectively squeezing it and reopening the cut.

I know I shouldn't ask for reassurance as it won't help my recovery but I just want to know if I am misinterpreting what easy bleeding is?
I think in future I just need to clean it and put a plaster on and leave it alone!!:lac:

07-01-21, 19:43
Listen to your husband, Munchlet. He's right and is trying to help you be rational. You don't need or want another opinion.

07-01-21, 19:57
Knuckles will take longer to heal because they are always moving. The more you mess with it the longer it will take to heal.

The question you should ask yourself is what do you do differently on your good days. When you figure out the difference you have the answer to fixing you bad days

07-01-21, 20:43
Thank you both for the replies.

You are right Pulisa I need to trust my husband. I'm sure if he was actually concerned he'd be whisking me off to the GP himself!

Pav, I'm not actually sure I'm doing anything different the only thing I can think is it might be related to hormones. I'm at that marvellous stage of life where my hormones are all over the place and I just seem to have some days where I feel more anxious that others, and it doesn't feel like anything triggers it. At the moment I'd say I'm having 5 good days and 1-2 anxious days a week but then over Christmas I pretty much had two good weeks. The only other thing is sleep! If I don't sleep well then it seems to set me off on the wrong foot for the day.

07-01-21, 22:34
On the positive side you have more good than bad. If I dont sleep well I'm like a bear with a sore head. Try avoiding blue light from computer screens before you go to bed (Says me just before bed 😂).

Might be worth asking your doc about any medication you are on. I'm on sertraline and apparently that can have an affect on bleeding.

07-01-21, 22:35
Not sure why those weird numbers appeared next to imogi. Safe to ignore them, they dont mean anything lol