View Full Version : Metallic taste in mouth?

09-01-21, 19:56
Hi all,

This evening my partner said he had a metallic taste in his mouth. He then proceeded to ask if this was a Covid symptom. I googled it, which I know I shouldn't do considering I have terrible HA, and it did come up as a possible symptom. However, it appeared as a rare instance and most of what I saw referred to post-covid or food having a metallic taste. I'm still really worried though. It seems that metallic taste can come from a variety of things, but one thing I noticed is that it can be found in connection to loss of sense of smell. Needless to say, I'm in full panic mode that 'other symptoms will develop'.

For a bit of background info, we socialised with a couple of households at Christmas (as this was allowed at the time) but were still careful. None of the people we socialised with had or have any symptoms (but I do know you can be asymptomatic). This was over a week ago. He has been to work this week, but he works in construction so is outside and keeps at a distance from people. He also wears a mask and gloves for much of the work he does. But I of course can't guarantee he hasn't touched anything someone else has, etc. Although I will say he is extremely meticulous about washing his hands.

He is in his mid-thirties and a former smoker. Also, he's had a particularly hard time at work this week. Temperatures have been below 0 and he's been outside the whole time. He said that in itself has made him feel run down.

Anyone have any advice and do you think it is something to worry about?

10-01-21, 13:40
I've had this several times. It's a symptom of anxiety and high sensitivity. Boiled sweets and chewing gum helps until it goes.

10-01-21, 18:40
Not sure if this is relevant for you but I got tested for Covid around November time for a similar metallic, nasty taste in my mouth. It was negative, but it was only a week or so later I realised what had caused it... (do you use any anti bac/virus sprays around the house?) I was spraying Dettol anti bac spray on door handles, shopping packaging, literally everything I brought into the house! It was leaving one nasty taste in my mouth! I had windows open but that stuff is powerful! Anyway, this was my experience and thought I’d mention, because until I realised I too was very worried for a time. Oops! ��

11-01-21, 08:02
The stress response causes reduction in salvia which creates an altered sense of taste - one being a metallic taste in the mouth. In those who are hyper-stimulated - this symptom can persist for quite a while. It did with me and I had to suck on boiled sweets to get rid of the taste which was like I'd been sucking a coin (not that I do that a lot lol, but we've all tried it, right?)

Nothing you've said makes me think this is COVID related. :shrug: