View Full Version : Probably silly but...

10-01-21, 10:43
Hi everyone, I’ve suffered from HA for years now but have actually been managing really well since having my children. If it manifests itself now it tends to be directed at them which I try hard to hide as I don’t want them to grow up with the anxiety I did...

Anyway- a couple of times over the past week so I’ve noticed some reddish stains on the toilet seat (once on top, once underneath. I wiped it away and the second time it felt almost crystallised. I was so worried it was once of my children with something in their wee but I’ve watched them both go to the toilet and it’s been completely normal in colour. They both say it’s always normal, neither of them have anything else going on (no temperatures, normal appetites, no pain, no difference in how often they go...) could it just be something I’ve cleaned the loo with?! I’ve not found it on consecutive days...

I wanted to ask now so I don’t spiral as I can definitely feel the beginnings of it and now is obviously not the time to be bothering the doctor!
