View Full Version : Hiv worries

10-01-21, 14:00
I’m a 21 year old female. Last year, I had unprotected sex with my ex boyfriend (silly I know). Hiv was never a fear for me until I read something about it one day and then it just clicked in my head and has stuck ever since. He is from Malaysia, but has lived in uk since about 17. It only lasted maybe a minute or so before I asked to stop as I didn’t wanna do it anymore and we did. I’m now convinced that I have hiv and I know that the only way I can tell is from getting a test, however it happened just before lockdown and you can’t get tested here unless you have symptoms of something. I feel sick to my stomach every time I think of it and it causes such bad panic attacks at the thought of it. Is there any advice I could get:(

10-01-21, 14:15
Why do you think he has HIV?

You know that it would be extremely rare to get it that easily.

10-01-21, 14:20
There’s nothing that makes me think he has it,I just know that he has been with a fair amount of people and I don’t know the circumstances around that. He was in a relationship for a few years before me so I think after they split he was with a few people after that. He did say once he got tested after the previous girl but I don’t know the truth in that and what he was tested for if he was. I know it’s all my fault if I did get anything and it’s stupid, I’d never do it again unless i was so sure the person was 100% clear.

10-01-21, 15:08
I really don't think you have it but unless you get tested you will not be happy I guess?