View Full Version : need help again

03-11-07, 14:20
On the bus into town I suddenly felt / had this thought " I am going to die today".
To say I am panicking is an understatement.
All my 'self talk' does not help.
Just what if?
Logicaly if WHAT IF happens I won't know about it.
You all know what I mean .......................
I really feel very sick at the moment. I don't take meds I can usually (by reading Forum) can get throught the worst - but this one has really hit me hard.
Any one got any ideas?

03-11-07, 14:29
hi,i know where you are coming from,i actually had to get off the bus with all my shopping in the middle of the journey home and i actually got a taxi home because i was panicking so much and the taxi was quicker,i also thought my time was up,i am gonna die on this bus and theres no food in the house,how bizarre is that!sorry no quick answers for you,just reminded me of my experience with buses,don't go on them now,passed my test and bought a car,so if i panic i can find a safe spot and calm down.

03-11-07, 14:31
Have you had CBT? I used to be blighted by the horrific thoughts I had. I still have the thoughts but I am able to rationalise them so much better now. Don't get me wrong, I still have my moments but I found the CBT really helped me be able to rationalise.
To be honest also, I am on meds (not for anxiety but they help with this also) and I don't know how I would be without them.
Instead of asking yourself 'what if?' how about asking yourself 'what are the chances? How likely is it that I am going to die today?' and that might help you.Hope so!
take care

03-11-07, 14:53
hi,i actually think the attack on the bus was more claustrophobia than anxiety,although i suppose thinking about it it is much and the same thing,each relating to the other,oh i don't know,just know it was horrible,think this kicked in when i had my m.i 3 years ago,although it was mild it really scared me,thought i was gonna die every time i went out,did'nt dare take the dog out in the fields alone in case i collapsed in the field and laid there forever.

03-11-07, 14:57
Hi roziexwx & happyone,
I am so sorry that you also suffer from this horrific thought - but I am also sooooooo grateful for your support.
You are (of course) both right it is an irrational thought and it is hard to dismiss it.
I did have CBT but I found it rather silly (Obviously got the wrong therapist)Not being big headed but I was more informed than she was. Bit awkward that was.
Also being able to contact you both so quickly - and you actually understanding this thought and not saying "OH don't be so silly" or words to that effect!!!!
Thank you so much
Best wishes

03-11-07, 14:58
I've had these thoughts too. If they come to me again, I hope to calm myself by saying everything is in order.I think I'm more concerned at leaving my family is chaos because they won't know where important stuff is. It may sound fatalistic but I've a will drawn up and I try to keep all household stuff in order and let my husband know where everything is ( he's quite used to me saying " look the bank stuff is all in so an so---I'm telling you in case I drop dead". This gives me some distance between morbid thoughts by having practical realities as reassurance.

03-11-07, 15:05
Thank you for your support.

04-11-07, 10:42
GOOD MORNING - even if I feel 'crap' today at least I can feel - am here.
VERY Best wishes