View Full Version : Anyone else with really bad insomnia?

12-01-21, 03:39
Iv'e had a pretty crazy 6 months, got engaged, broke up but not after the guy used me for my business contacts and started the same business as me in the same town as me!
I've been through a lot and now I can't sleep.
I got a new puppy and I probably shouldn't have but my darling daughter is so happy and so in love and I have to toilet train him at night, on top of having terrible insomnia.
Of course I found FFI ( if you dont know what that - don't google it) and then I found the sporadic FFI type - so now i'm thinking I have that .... I go to bed and lie there for about 4 hours just rolling from side to side, almost falling alseep and then 'waking up' and going 'damn it, I was almost asleep!' - anyone else been through this?

I had 4 hours sleep last night which was pretty good, and 3 hours the night before.
It's a vicious cycle though as i get angry at myself for not sleeping and then, I get anxiety and then I cant' sleep - then I think I have the fatal insomnia and cycle repeats ... I hate this ... anyone else been through this????


12-01-21, 07:23
anyone else been through this????

Yes - for a long time - and now I'm back to 8 hours sleep.

One surprising thing I found (when I did a sleep test for apnoea) was how much more sleep I was actually having to what I thought I was having.

The best advice I can give you is not to worry about this or dwell on it. If the last thing in your brain before you go to sleep is 'I'm sick of this. I will be waking up in the early hours' etc - then your brain will oblige and wake you up.

I went through a very long stage where I had no problems falling asleep but I would be awake within a few hours - sometimes an hour (having a panic attack) some nights I was awake from 2am and feeling exhausted the next day. It was only when I stopped focusing on this that things improved and instead of putting negative thoughts into my brain - I just told myself that I'm going to have a great night's sleep and it doesn't matter what time I wake up.

Another tip - don't clock watch. When you wake up - don't check the time. This is really important. I've gone back to 8 hours sleep since I stopped clock watching. Set your alarm for your normal morning call and don't keep your phone by your bed.

This will pass. It's not fatal insomnia - that's just Dr Google being an arse!

12-01-21, 07:51
ive had it for a year 1 or 2 hours at the most a lot of nights none, ive tried everything and more,just before xmas due to no sleep at all for a week doc put me on zopiclone for 7 days,i used half then slept well, after they had gone would give no more, no sleep at all for 3 days then slowely a odd hour,someone told me. glass of warm milk with a bannana in and spoonful of honey before bed, tried it 2 days ago, and having aprox 5 to 6 hours sleep but in 1.2.3 hour bursts, so better than nothing,its a torture no sleep

12-01-21, 21:49
It was so bad last night, I got adrenalin surges everytime I almost feel asleep! Anyone else get this??? bloody awful!

13-01-21, 00:32
The best advice I can give you is not to worry about this or dwell on it. If the last thing in your brain before you go to sleep is 'I'm sick of this. I will be waking up in the early hours' etc - then your brain will oblige and wake you up I'm lucky if I can get 4 and 1/2 hours of uninterrupted quality sleep. Gosh, I haven't slept 7 hours since the 90's. I like your advice; NoraB..

13-01-21, 08:45
It was so bad last night, I got adrenalin surges everytime I almost feel asleep! Anyone else get this??? bloody awful!

Yes. It's stress hormones, and it's pretty pointless trying to fall back to sleep. You might doze off but you will wake up again in the same state - and repeatedly.

Best thing: get up and move about. Do some light housework or just walk around a bit - diffuse the adrenalin and cortisol. Imagine trying to sleep after having a near miss in the car? It's impossible, but that's what you're trying to do. You will know when you can go back to bed because you will feel calmer...

13-01-21, 08:50
I like your advice; NoraB..

Thanks. :yesyes:

13-01-21, 18:03
yes 3 or 4 hours a night , that's my lot .

14-01-21, 01:12
Insomnia for 5 years started with 10 hours sleep in 10 days ended up with psychosis moved on to waking every hour on the hour. About 1 year ago I started sleeping a bit better usual for me is 3-4 hours solid before I start waking up every hour. Bad nights can still be every hour on the hour

14-01-21, 02:34
What happened when you had psychosis?

16-01-21, 20:55
I thought that helicopters were coming to get me, I would see walls breathing and hear things that were not there. When I turned up at A+E I was so scared the doctor said that it was great that due to my sleep deprivation that I was starting to have what is called sleep deprivation psychosis and we needed to work on getting me some sleep.

17-01-21, 10:47
The chances of you having SFI are about the same as being struck by lightning the day you win the lottery.

The issue here is Google, not insomnia.

19-01-21, 14:18
I thought that helicopters were coming to get me, I would see walls breathing and hear things that were not there. When I turned up at A+E I was so scared the doctor said that it was great that due to my sleep deprivation that I was starting to have what is called sleep deprivation psychosis and we needed to work on getting me some sleep.

My MIL thought a helicopter was landing in her front room once. Slight medication issue. Said meds were adjusted and no more helicopters. :yesyes: