View Full Version : Terrified of seizures

12-01-21, 21:00
I've been doing really, really good lately, but now having a major health anxiety relapse...
Even though I've been very stressed and sleep deprived lately as a result of splitting up with my children's father, moving into a new apartment, Covid-19, new partner etc., my health anxiety has been very much under control. But now it's back with a vengeance. I suspect it might be hormonal, there's a chance that I'm pregnant, otherwise it's just very bad PMS...

I've always suffered from sleep starts/hypnic jerks, as well as being generally very 'active' during sleep - ever since I was a child. I jerk, move around, sit up suddenly and cry out... My current partner was actually terrified of me in the beginning of our relationship when we first started sharing a bed :winks: I don't know if that would be classified as epilepsy or seizures??? I've just always been that way, my parents would often find me at the foot of my bed or even just sitting and sleeping on the floor. Very odd. And all of my ex-boyfriends have commented on how active I am during sleep and how I must be a very light sleeper, but the thing is, I am actually quite a heavy sleeper, I don't remember any of the things that happen during sleep, I just know that it's not unusual for me to wake up in a very strange position or at the foot of the bed.

Then, last week, as I was standing up and writing a text message while talking to my kids, I suddenly felt myself starting to fall backwards. I didn't actually fall, I managed to stay on my feet, but I felt really weird, dizzy and lightheaded. I put it down to being very tired and sleep deprived and managed to take a little nap after that and then felt much better.
But I have tried something like that before, a few years back, where I also suddenly just felt weak and had to sit down immediately, felt like I wasn't going to be able to stay upright. Have had MRI scan since then, back in 2017, which was completely normal. But now I'm worried that the fact that I'm such a weird, active sleeper means I actually have epilepsy and have been having seizures forever and now also have atonic seizures during the day and I'm going to lose control over my body. Part of me knows I'm probably overreacting and if I had been having seizures since childhood someone would probably have found out by now. And that the fact that I get these sudden feelings of weakness and probably has more to do with stress and sleep deprivation than anything else. But still... Has anyone else tried this? And am I the only one who is very active during sleep?