View Full Version : Anxiety in the car

13-01-21, 01:47
Does anyone else get overwhelming anxiety while riding in a car? I'm not sure if its because I don't feel in control or what but whenever I am a passenger in a car my heart starts racing and I have this urge to open the door and jump out. Anyone experience this or have any suggestions on how to cope with this or get over it?

13-01-21, 07:19
Big time!

I'm a driver, and I think that makes things worse when being a passenger.

I struggle being a passenger in with Hubs, and this is quite a BIG problem for me anxiety/triggering - wise.

Despite my numerous e-mails explaining why I struggle with his slightly aggressive driving style, (he's not doing anything illegal, but he does react to other drivers a lot and gets up to speed in the fastest time possible) and also intervention via my life coach - the problem remained, so I had to get creative..

I found that sticking headphones on and listening to my music - distances me from the situation - almost totally. My foot is no longer pressing the imaginary brake. I'm no longer reacting to Hubs reacting to some git pulling out on him..

It's about control, or lack of. Also, perception is different on the passenger side.

With anxiety, I have found that the more anxious I am, the more I perceive speed differently. For example: 40 mph can feel more like 70 mph, but music removes the anxiety because my brain focuses on the music - maybe because it's an obsession with me and I can lose myself?

Distraction with music has worked for me, but it has to be via headphones!

13-01-21, 14:06
Glad I am not alone. I just got some new headphones at Christmas so I will definitely give this a try. Thanks Nora!