View Full Version : Hello from York

03-11-07, 20:38
Hi there,

I'm new to this site so thought I would say hello and maybe pick up some advice while I'm at it. To be honest I don't know if I should bother you with my issues, as I guess my anxiety is pretty mild compared to a lot of peoples but I'm fed up with it and want it to stop:mad:

I find myself having boutes of nausea when out with friends in a social situation - sometimes this results in a quick vomit in the toilets and then I feel so much better but I shouldn't have to be sick to get over this. It's worst when I feel like I'm not in control, like if I chat to a nice girl and I feel she is interested in me and something might happen, but then I feel sick, going pale and sweaty and end up retreating into my shell, fighting the nausea until I've paid so little attention and she is not interested.

The weird thing is that at work I'm absolutely fine, probably quite a loud person relatively, who has no problems with public speaking, but in certain social situations I just freeze.

Anyway that is me, I'd love to meet more people who have gone through similar experiences

03-11-07, 22:08
Hi Yorkie and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I've had to deal with nausea and vomitting myself so know exactly where you're coming from.

Take care,

Mike :)

03-11-07, 22:10
Hi Yorkie

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too:)

Andrea, from Yorkshire too !:winks:

03-11-07, 22:17
Hi Yorkie :hugs:


Your anxiety IS an issue hun, is great that you have made a step forward to help yourself, be pround of yourself Yorkie :yesyes:

You have come to the right place, there are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.



04-11-07, 12:57
Hi Yorkie,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

04-11-07, 15:08
Hi Yorkie,

Welcome to NMP. Hope you enjoy your stay.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

Pink Princess
04-11-07, 15:21

hi there,
welcome to the site, glad to see you. hope you settle in and make some good friends.

take good care

love minnie xxxxxxxxxxx

04-11-07, 20:08
Hello Yorkie:welcome:to you !

Listen, your issues are just as significant and important as the next persons - and we're glad you joined us!

Oh that hot, sweaty nausea is so horrible isn't it?

Social anx is one of my issues but is so much improved now since I joined here.

- I'm sure you'll be able to say that one day, because you'll find plenty of help and support here -

Pleased to meet you!


04-11-07, 20:27
Hi and welcome to NMP:)

04-11-07, 21:31
Hi Yorkie

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help to you.

05-11-07, 12:08
Hello Yorkie And Welcome To The Site......linda

14-12-07, 23:09
Thanks for all the fantastic replies everyone, hopefully with your help I can beat this xxx

16-12-07, 15:58
Hi Yorkie,

Hello and welcome to the site. Many here have felt like you do and you will find that you are not alone.



16-12-07, 21:37
Hi Hope you are finding your way around now and finding some answers, I am very near York myself.xx