View Full Version : Hi from New Zealand

03-11-07, 21:00
Hi there, I am soo thankful for coming across this website.... I suffered from panic attacks ten years ago and managed to get them under control.

I have recently begun to suffer from them again and general anxiety and panic and depression after having a traumtic misscarriage (requiring surgery), my sixteen year old dog dying, a tooth removed (dental fear) one thing after the other..... I am single at the moment and wonder if lonely also. I am 35.

My main concern is my heart.... it races and misses beats, I find it hard to sleep and am constantly in a state of panic about it, I find it hard to eat, concentrate, am jittering and constantly crying. I have been to my doctor several times over the last couple of months and he felt it racing so gave me an ECG which was fine and blood tests which again were fine. I had an echo years ago during my first series of panic attacks and this was fine also.

I have also just given up smoking five weeks ago and wonder if this has contributed in some way?

Am I going to die, I face each day thinking that I will and cant change my pattern of thought.


03-11-07, 21:56
Hi Tarsh

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here , im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)

Make sure you check out the Symptoms, How to Cope and First Step pages also that are sittuated at the left hand side of this page , im sure you will find them of interest.

A BIG well done for managing to stop smoking too, i wish i could:blush: .


03-11-07, 21:59
Hi Tarsh , Welcome to NMP :hugs: , you have certainly come to the right place for support and friendship.

The racing heart is common with us anxiety sufferers , I found potassium tablets from the health shop helpful , as well as controling my breathing .

Things will get better for you again , just hang in there :flowers: .

03-11-07, 22:11
Hi Tarsh. I can identify in some respects, especially dental phobia. Giving up smoking is brilliant, well done. I'm trying to give up by reduction of daily consumption. It's taking some time and I'm concentrating hard but it is so difficult that I think a clean cold turkey break would be better.
Are you on any meds?They can be a good prop while you find your feet. Take care.

03-11-07, 22:11
Hi Tarsh and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. A fear that you're going to die is very common with anxiety, the first steps and how to cope links on the left are a great place to start.

Take care,

Mike :)

03-11-07, 22:13
Hi Trish :hugs:


There are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.



04-11-07, 09:47
Tarsh, hello and welcome to the site. Nice to have a fellow kiwi here, if only we had our own site in NZ aye! Understand what you are going through and hope to speak to you soon. Try the chat room on this site, can be good,bad or ugly...but always a laugh xxxx

Welcome xxx


04-11-07, 12:02
:) hi tarsh,

i hope this site will help you to see that you can get those thoughts under control, once you know how!!!people always here to offer support and advice,just shout and youll get it, tc, emma:winks:

04-11-07, 12:09
Hi Tarsh

Welcome to the site. Hope that you enjoy your stay. Hang in there, we all are here. Have a good read on the left side.

Als stop by the chat room and meet us.

Take Care

I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

04-11-07, 12:57
Hi Tarsh,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

Pink Princess
04-11-07, 15:26

a big welcome for you and hope you settle in soon xxxx

love minnie xxxxxxxx

04-11-07, 20:24
Hello Tarsh :welcome:to you!

My, you've certainly been through it haven't you?

But, you're not going to die - and you're not alone. There are plenty of here to support and help you. We all look out for each other here!

Very glad you found us - pleased to meet you!


04-11-07, 20:25
Hi and welcome to NMP :)

04-11-07, 21:32
Hi Tarsh

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help to you.

05-11-07, 12:07
Hello Tarsh And Welcome To The Site.......linda