View Full Version : any one help me with my reapeated panic atack about spontaniouse combustion

04-11-07, 00:28
Im 17 im a student and i suffer from a reapeted episode of my stomach feels like im on fire am i gonna spontaniousely combust and its scaring me bad ,can any one help???

04-11-07, 08:07


PA's make your body produce more stomach acid which is why you feel it is on fire. You can get meds to help with this, I take Omeprazole. Spontaneous Combustion is very very very very very very very very very rare. The odds of it happening to you are negligable, honest!
Hope you feel better soon
TC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


04-11-07, 11:58
:) hey there touhey,

i hope you wont be upset by this, but your post made me smile and i had to reply, as this was also something i worried about back in the day when i didnt know exactly what anxiety was!! ihave stayed awake many a night too frightened to sleep coz of a headache or a fever!!! what a waste of time!!! imstill hereand living proof that you cant control what happens to you by worrying!!!

back to the combustion thing, when i was 17 i was at sixth formre-sitting my gcse's due to missing 6 months ofschool for panic attacks (again the worst thing to do as this is where i learnt to avoid!), and this guy i fancied was a bit of a punk type(im now married to his friend) so he would alwayshave a copy of viz and also these other weirdmags, some which had pics ofpeople who had combusted!!! well, that was it, i would go to bed some nightswith my legs on fire(probably as a result of pms,or eating too close to bed,either way just an innocent thing) and be convinced with those images inmy head that inthe morning i would just be a pile of ashes in my bed!!!

beleive me, this will NEVER happen to you!!! it probably isnt even proved that it occurs at all and those pics i saw were probably fakes. anyway even if it does exist, it WONT happen to you, so try to put it out of your mind and get on with your life:yesyes:

04-11-07, 12:40
Hi Touhey and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

04-11-07, 12:58
Hi Touhey,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

Pink Princess
04-11-07, 15:24

hi there and welcome to the site, hope you get good advice and make freinds along the way xxxxxxxxxxx

love minnie xxxxxxxx

04-11-07, 20:18
Hello Touhey:welcome:to you!

Although I can't relate totally to your specific issue, I do remember how awful that 'on fire' feeling was - I used to get it mainly on my back and I hated it.

But, you'll get plenty of help and support here - gald you found us!

Pleased to meet you!


04-11-07, 21:33
Hi Touhey

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help to you.

05-11-07, 00:01
Thanks every one with the help it seems to give me a bit of reasurence

its funny im still trying to figure out how ive been able to get panic atacks at

sutch a younge age any ways im going to my doctors tomorow to finaly confront the problem thanks all :)

05-11-07, 00:23
Hello touhey

My name is sammi and i'm 19, believe me i know exactly what you are going through when i was about 13 and more i was obsessed with spontaneous combustion, i saw something on the tv about it and i couldn't stop worrying. all i can say is that the on fire feeling is just anxiety. the more i grew up the less i thought about it - in fact i haven't thought about it for the last year
believe me the scariness goes away and the thought dies down.

you should ask my family how worried i was

and i think anyone can get panic at any age and since you've just done your gcse's the stress of school and stuff just adds to your worry.

i'm young and i;ve got panic aswell so your not alone and i'm always here to talk

sorry abou the essay


05-11-07, 12:06
Hello Touhey And Welcome To The Site........linda

08-11-07, 23:54
cheers but i think the last part of that message could be why im here as well
this is for any one out there that is suffering from what i am never ever smoke cannabis if any one tells you its fine and dosnt dammage your health it does ,it can turn a healthy 17 year old into a sleeples zombie that thinks hes gonna die every night

and i realy hope your wright about the thought dieing down

i hope this stops soon :wacko: