View Full Version : Always think the worst

04-11-07, 02:04

I have been feeling really sick tonight, stomach ache, headache etc etc. I have been so good recently with my health anxiety - controlling it and taking my mind off of it.

Tonight all health anx thoughts came flooding back. I always get like it when I feel ill - most people if they get sick deal with it but not me..... went into panic, crying, thinking about dying again! it was horrible.

I was ill this time last year and remember thinking what if I am not here next year for fireworks........... I was, I went to the same display tonight so maybe that brought back some bad memories!

I also had a nice day with my mum, shopping today. But I had a horrible lunch out (how do u get a jacket potato soooo wrong ?:shrug:) and had to return it so maybe that caused the illness.... but being someone who thinks the worst first, didnt put two and two together.

I have been stressed this week because I am leaving my job and starting a new one and lots going on (nervous/excited).

Lets just hope its a small blip and tomorrow will be a better day :wacko:

Does anyone else find their health anxiety is worse at night?

Claire xx

04-11-07, 02:38
I am sorry you are having a a rough night. Without fail I ALWAYS start to feel worse come evening. Hope tomorrow is better

04-11-07, 04:35
Yes definately worse at night, often have trouble getting to sleep because of ectopics, or funny breathing, or heavy feeling in chest. Or wake up with a start after a few minutes with the same thing. Once I get to sleep, I wake up in the morning and feel fine.
Lets hope you do too, there's always something to set us off isn't there?

04-11-07, 11:50
Thanks guys for your replies!!!

I am feeling a bit better today, hub is going to take some time off from studying this afternoon to spend with me............. he's so sweet :)

I know I shouldn't panic when I get ill but my anx head takes over!


Claire xxxxxxx

04-11-07, 12:02

my anx is somtimes worse at night to .

i am sure it is with all that is going on hun just a little blip

have some hugs

:hugs: :hugs:

jodie xx

04-11-07, 12:04
Hi Claire,:hugs:

Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Hang in there hun, we will kick butt together here. I know that it's hard for us at this time of year, but try to remember that we all are in this together. We all feel the pain and the good for each other.

Together we all can make this a better place to live. An we can help each other over the bad times.

Take Care
Believe xxxxxxxxxx:flowers: :flowers:

I Believe That We All Will Get Better!

04-11-07, 17:17
Hi Claire love
Sorry you haven't been feeling well but it will pass and I am sure you will just love your new job. Take care.

love Mags xxxx

04-11-07, 18:31
Hi Claire :hugs: glad your feeling better hun and I just knew the wee blip would pass quickly for you. I hate it when we get the blips but the good thing is they pass quicker cos we are strong and stay positive :hugs: xxx

05-11-07, 18:16
Hey Claire :)

Glad you are feeling better. My anxiety is always worse at night, and always worse when I'm not feeling well. I just never realise it at the time!

Sorry for talking about jellied eels when you really were feeling sick!

Take care xxxx :hugs::flowers:

05-11-07, 19:06
Hi Claire

Well I think you have handled it really well from going from feeling really anxious because you were physically ill to coping quite well was a really short space of time.

I too get anxious when I feel ill and I find with me it's because I'm thinking all sorts of catastrophic thoughts. I have however started to try to remember that the thoughts are imaginary and to try to consciously say in my head "this is horrible but it's only a cold/sickness/bad throat/ etc and it will be gone soon". Saying these things consciously to yourself reminds your brain of the reality and eventually if you say if often enough you will start to believe it and next time you are ill you will remember the more realistic thoughts to say to yourself and they will kick in. Also have you tried breathing techniques? These are really good at calming. Not trying to tell you what to do by the way if you think I'm being patronising, I'm really not trying to be I just know how you feel.

Two weeks ago my little boy was ill, last week I was really ill and tonight my little boy has said he feels sick. My first thought was "oh god, that's all I need" and consequently I felt down and despondent and wound up. But I've had a chat with my husand and he reminded me that it's just a bit of sickness and maybe he'll be fine in the morning, maybe it will come to nothing and even if he was ill again it's just a little bug and he'll help me look after him because there's nothing that we can't do something about. I've consciously told myself that, done my breathing, remembered that it's okay and last time I coped quite well and now I"m feeling a bit better.

Also, I think it's important to remember that people who don't have anxiety think similar thoughts to us when they are ill. I know loads and loads of people who say that when they are physically ill they feel worse at night and that the nights are very long and also that when they are really ill they worry that it's something more sinister (it hardly ever is). So we're not so unusual Claire, it happens to everyone.

Hope you are feeling a bit better.

Sarah x

05-11-07, 19:44
Hi Sarah,

not at all I didn't think you were being patronising, just glad you replied :)

I know I gotta train my brain better :), am feeling much better now, its just at the time it feels like the worst night ever

Take Care

Claire xxxxx

05-11-07, 19:58
Hi Claire, good to hear you're feeling better, I'm exactly the same at the moment, although not ill but tired. I too thought I was doing really well lately with HA, in fact I thought I was done with it (a bit naive I suppose) and here it is today, back with a vengeance.
But you know what, I'm accepting it and trying to see it for what it is (trying), and by doing that it's gonna get weaker and weaker, and happen less and less often, I'm trying to train my brain that way but it's SOOOOOOOOOOO hard. So good on you, good luck with your new job and good on your husband for being supportive!

05-11-07, 20:21
Actually I sounded really strong on that last post but I'm not really as I posted something today as I am so worried about my gum "Red area on gum. Really scared, help!!!".
By the way I love your quote from Montaigne.