View Full Version : Sudden new mole and petechiae

17-01-21, 19:46
Hi there

It's been a while since I've been here (been trying to work on not letting myself get worked up over everything), but the last week or so has been a bit harder than normal. Tonight during the night I noticed what looks like red marks similar to petechiae on my forearm, which I got concerned over when I did the stupid thing of googling what it could be. I've been having a number of various symptoms recently which have been troubling me, one of which is a throbbing shoulder, and upper arm, that gets worse at night. It's mainly sore with pressure/when pressed on the bone. The other symptom I've been dealing with is night sweats, which doctor just shrugged off as "hyperhidrosis" even though I haven't had night sweats in a long time before now. I've also had a cyst/boil in front of my ear lobe which I finished antibiotics for about a few days ago (that's ALMOST gone).

The other thing I noticed was on my other forearm for some reason, I have a new mole or dark freckle of some kind. I don't think its been there before, I definitely would have noticed it as it stands out quite a bit. I'm a little concerned as it's probably not common at my age (late 30s) to get new moles suddenly pop up (though I've had one do so before). I don't know if it's just a coincidence but all of this together is really concerning me. I've also been losing weight (which I stopped checking up on bc it was making me even more paranoid). The doctor just told me to weigh myself at the doctor in future and didn't elaborate on why I could have lost weight despite eating like normal.

Anyone have any idea whether I'm just overthinking things? I had a blood test done a month ago (xmas eve) that came back with most things being normal (didn't check liver or kidneys but did do a blood microscopy and CBC) apart from a low level of iron stores.

17-01-21, 21:33
please rest assured that all your “symtoms” are easily attributed to something completely benign:
- petechia usually appear due to some physical pressure/strain - itching, bruisi g, etc. My daughter once got them on her face and neck after severe vomiting. As long as your platelets were normal a month ago there is no chance your red dots are due to low platelets/leukemia
- a mole could be not a mole, but sort of keratosis / sun spot. Those appear almost overnight :-) and start popping up in our age. I usually visit a derm to freeze them off once a year, because during a year 2-3 would appear. Undistinguashable from moles to untrained eye
- you say you have low iron and night sweats. Do you know that nights sweats are a common sign of iron deficiency? And stress :-(

So you see, those are not symptoms of smth sinister, just signs of body getting more mature :-( and lacking some nutrients.
you are fine!